Wednesday 6 December 2023

Zionist Genocide Denialism

In the late 1930's and 1940's, Nazi Germany committed genocide against Jews in Europe, slaughtering 6 million of them by industrial means.   Some fascists and anti-Semites deny those facts.  In some countries it is even against the law to deny that it happened.  That doesn't mean that the details of what happened, of exactly who did what, how and where should not be a subject of historical analysis.  It was not just German Nazis that were responsible, for example.  What cannot be denied is that it happened, and the Nazis were the prime motivators of it.

But, we now have a similar thing in respect of the genocide being committed by Zionists against Palestinians, and primarily by the Zionist state.  Yet, the supporters of Zionism, and of that Zionist state, primarily the Western imperialist powers such as the United States, the EU states, and Britain, which have facilitated the 75 year long occupation of Palestine by Zionism, and its daily oppression of Palestinians, and which, as we speak stands shoulder to shoulder with that Zionist state, providing it with weapons, logistical and intelligence support, as well as ideological support via its vast propaganda channels, is doing exactly what the Holocaust deniers amongst the fascists and anti-Semites have done, in respect of the slaughter of Jews.

In fact, the preparation for that has been laid over years, in the insistence of Zionists that only one Holocaust was ever possible, and that talk of holocausts committed against other ethnic groups was itself anti-Semitic, by diminishing the nature of the Nazi Holocaust.  But what kind of logic, let alone morality is it that says that the slaughter of 6 million Jews is somehow diminished in its barbarity, by also noting the slaughter of millions or even tens of thousands of other people?  Of course, the difference is that the slaughter of these millions of other people was conducted, not by Nazis, but by those very "democratic imperialist" powers that liberals and social-democrats would have us believe are our saviours from such atrocities.

When those very same powers, today, are, again, complicit in such genocide, by standing with the fascist Netanyahu, and the Zionist state's genocide against Palestinians, it demolishes that narrative, in reality that lie,  and requires that the purveyors of it, be it the Trump's, Sunak's, or the Biden's and Starmer's, and of course, all of the social-imperialists that act as the apologists of imperialism and Zionism, be it in their war in Ukraine, or the massacres in Gaza, double down on that lie, by using even bigger lies, using even greater suppression of any criticism and challenge to their lies.  In mass societies, where the ruling class controls the media, and can pump those lies directly into the heads of atomised individuals that is a powerful tool, as used by all totalitarian and Bonapartist regimes in the past.

Only the existence of social media, and the work of individual journalists like Owen Jones exposes the chinks in that armour of ruling class ideology, which are rapidly developing into wide open cracks, such is the flagrant nature of the lies being pumped out by the Zionist state, and its accomplices in the West.  That means that even the western news channels have had to pick up on some of the more obvious lies told by Zionists, but usually only after the fact, and it never stops them bringing back those same Zionists, unchallenged, to convey yet more lies and propaganda.

Even where, journalists are constrained to the online news channels of the liberal media, any effective criticism of Zionist lies about the genocide being committed against Palestinians, appears, now, to be too much of a challenge to western imperialism, and its complicity in those war crimes.  So, for example, MSNBC, which acts as the propaganda arm of the US Democrats, and of Joe Biden, who is leading them to inevitable defeat, even against the abominable Trump, responded to the grilling of Zionist spokesperson Mark Regev, by its journalist Mehdi Hasan, by sacking him, and closing down his show.  It has, in fact, taken at least three of its Muslim journalists off the air, from the start of the current genocide.

The Zionists state and its apologists have fallen into the trap of hubris, because for decades they have been able to tell these lies, unchallenged by the media, indeed facilitated by the media.  But, the current genocide being committed by the Zionist is on such an undeniable scale, and has continued for so long that the lies conflict violently with what billions of people, across the globe can now see for themselves, and also conflict so violently with the narrative presented by western imperialism and its apologists in relation to the war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine.

Even Sky News was led to point out that the claims of one Zionist spokesperson about Gazans being able to escape bombing in Southern Gaza, by going to a supposed safe zone, on the Gaza coast, was a blatant lie, because this supposed zone, where there was supposed to be various humanitarian facilities, ws essentially just a wasteland!

In Britain, Owen Jones has come under sustained attack by Zionists, who have attempted to shut him down.  Whatever political differences I have with him, socialists should stand with him against such attacks, and support the valuable work he is doing in exposing the lies, and the genocide being conducted.

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