Tuesday 30 July 2024

Stalin and The Chinese Revolution, 10. Stalin Again Disarms the Chinese Workers and Peasants - Part 2 of 2

As Milne, Murray et al constructed their lists, the Right of the PLP, backed by the bourgeois state and media, got on with the job of undermining Corbyn, and organising their coup.

Stalin argued,

“It is clear that whoever calls at present for the immediate creation of soviets of workers’ deputies in this [Wuhan] district, is attempting to jump [!] over the Guomindang phase of the Chinese revolution, and he risks putting the Chinese revolution in a most difficult position.” (p 278)

The same approach was taken by Corbyn's Stalinist advisors, and leaders of Momentum. Don't push for democratisation of the party, or deselection of the Right MP's, because, to do so, puts the leadership and its electoral ambitions in “a difficult position”. Stalin argued that workers' and peasants' soviets should only be established after the completion of the bourgeois-democratic revolution, i.e. totally at odds with Marx's advice, in his 1850 Address, and also with the experience of February 1917, in Russia.

“In this manner, Stalin did not consider it permissible to strengthen the position of the workers and peasants through soviets, so long as the positions of the Wuhan government, of the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie, were not strengthened.” (p 278)

That, simply, repeated the error of the approach to Chiang Kai Shek. No wonder the Mensheviks, in their journals, welcomed and endorsed this policy of Stalin. Even when a repetition of Chiang Kai Shek's coup was underway, this time by the Left KMT, the Stalinists abased themselves at the feet of the bourgeoisie. The Eighth Plenum resolved,

“The ECCI insistently calls the attention of the Chinese Communist Party to the necessity of taking all possible measures for the strengthening and development of all mass organizations of workers and peasants ... within all these organizations it is necessary to carry on an agitation to enter the Guomindang, transforming the latter into a mighty mass organization of the revolutionary petty-bourgeois democracy and the working class.” (p 279)

The idiocy of such a stance is perhaps only exceeded in its application by Paul Mason, in his call for socialists to support NATO, and turn it into a force for workers interests across the globe. It is a goal shared by the AWL, as presented by Jim Denham, who already believe that NATO and the capitalist state defends workers interests!!!

““To enter the Guomindang” meant to bring one’s head voluntarily to the slaughter. The bloody lesson of Shanghai passed without leaving a trace. The Communists, as before, were being transformed into cattle herders for the party of the bourgeois executioners (the Guomindang), into suppliers of “workers’ and peasants’ blood” for Wang Jingwei and company.” (p 279-80)

And, today, the social-imperialists act as cattle herders, and suppliers of workers' blood for the benefit of the Ukrainian oligarchs/Zelensky/NATO, on one side, and the Russian oligarchs/Putin/China on the other.

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