Inevitably, as Marx and Engels wrote, in relation to the European “non-historic peoples” in the 19th century, and as Lenin and Trotsky wrote about such small nations in the 20th, the Palestinians turned to other more powerful states, creating yet again divisions within the global working-class along national lines, and causing them to fall in behind the ruling classes of those states, lines and divisions themselves determined by imperialism. The reality of the supposed Two Bourgeois States solution was always that it could only be brought about, not only over the heads of the workers in the Middle-East, but also over the heads of the ruling classes of Israel and Palestine, and the surrounding states. It would require US imperialism, probably in conjunction with EU imperialism to impose such a solution on those ruling classes, and they had no reason to do that, rather than continuing to support the Zionist state as their proxy, and have it implement their agenda in the region.
The same is true in relation to the imperialist solution imposed from above on Ukraine. In the 1930's, Trotsky noted.
“Only hopeless pacifist blockheads are capable of thinking that the emancipation and unification of the Ukraine can be achieved by peaceful diplomatic means, by referendums, by decisions of the League of Nations, etc. In no way superior to them of course are those “nationalists” who propose to solve the Ukrainian question by entering the service of one imperialism against another. Hitler gave an invaluable lesson to those adventurers by tossing (for how long?) Carpatho-Ukraine to the Hungarians who immediately slaughtered not a few trusting Ukrainians. Insofar as the issue depends upon the military strength of the imperialist states, the victory of one grouping or another can signify only a new dismemberment and a still more brutal subjugation of the Ukrainian people, The program of independence for the Ukraine in the epoch of imperialism is directly and indissolubly bound up with the program of the proletarian revolution. It would be criminal to entertain any illusions on this score...
The worker and peasant masses in the Western Ukraine, in Bukovina, in the Carpatho-Ukraine are in a state of confusion: Where to turn? What to demand? This situation naturally shifts the leadership to the most reactionary Ukrainian cliques who express their “nationalism” by seeking to sell the Ukrainian people to one imperialism or another in return for a promise of fictitious independence.”
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