Friday 18 February 2022

All Trussed Up With Nowhere To Go

You can tell when imperialists are lying - their lips move.  In recent weeks, the lies from NATO imperialism has become increasingly hysterical, in its claims that Russia was about to invade Ukraine.  All of this, of course, at a time when NATO itself has been moving ever Eastwards since the fall of the USSR, encircling Russia, not just in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, but also in Central Asia, and in the Pacific.  No doubt the imperialists in Putin's kleptocratic regime also lie, and his vile regime is responsible for atrocities and attacks on workers that all socialists should oppose, but as socialists in Britain, our focus is first and foremost on our imperialist state, and its warmongering, for the reason that Liebknecht set out prior to WWI - The Main Enemy Is At Home.

In this ear piercing crescendo of hyperbola pumped out by NATO imperialism, and repeated ad nauseum by its 24 hour a day, 7 day a week propaganda machine, the most ridiculous screeching has come from the US lapdog Britain.  Its always the smallest dogs that yap the loudest, and following Brexit, Britain is like a Chihuahua.  So, it was Britain that a week or so ago, said that it had evidence that Russia was not only immediately about to invade Ukraine, but that they had seen the detailed plans to install their own puppet government in Kyiv. 

Unfortunately, of course, Britain was left looking like the sad people carrying the sandwich boards around Hyde Park, proclaiming that "The End Is Nigh", as not only did the invasion again fail to materialise, but also no such puppet government appeared either.

Front and centre in all of this theatre macabre has been the moronic, and clown-like Liz Truss.  In a recent picture of her, in Moscow, she is shown looking vacantly into space, but unfortunately, you get the impression that its not just the look on her face that is vacant, but that it is a true representation of what is going on in her head.  But, to be truthful, even if Truss were the most intelligent, most able negotiator in the world, it would not change the fact that Britain outside the EU is a third rate power, at best, with no real influence in a world of giants, and so her visit to Moscow was entirely just for show, and the consumption of British TV viewers, particularly, as Brexit continues to provide no benefits for the vast majority of the British public, it was a show for those elderly Tory voters that backed Brexit, and who still suffer under the delusion that Britain has any kind of power or influence.

Truss, however, is no such genius, and Britain is no giant.  And, so it is that like a small dog, it tries to make up for its impotence by yapping all the louder, which in turn makes its yapping all the more ridiculous and annoying.  As with the claims about imminent invasion and installing puppets that ridicule increases every time it is shown to be false.  But, Truss was able to compound even that.

Only a couple of days ago, she strode on to the world stage, elf like in her commanding stature, to once again assure us that the imminent invasion was imminent one again.  It was now really going to happen on Wednesday.  No really, it really was this time, honest.  Any minute now, the Russian tanks would be rolling into Kyiv, no doubt carrying at their head the puppet that was take their place at the head of the new government.  But, oh dear, no, again it failed to be true.

So, what did Truss do?  Fearless in her stupidity, she came forward the next day, no doubt confident that the British media would fall over itself in failing to pick up on any contradiction, and announced that contrary to her absolutely rock solid assurance of the previous day that the invasion was imminent, her position now is that Russia could continue its present stance for months!  In other words, on Tuesday, its invasion is assured to happen on Wednesday, but on Wednesday that becomes an invasion might happen on a Wednesday, but it might be a Wednesday next December, but then again, it might not.  In other words, there might not be an invasion at all, and so all of the propaganda would have been shown to have been simply a load of hot air.

The leading lights on the world stage prior to WWI look like world class statesmen compared to Truss, and many of the other amateurs on the stage today.  If they manage to avoid leading us all to oblivion it will be a miracle.  We should not let them have that chance.  We need to clear all of this shower from the stage in short order, and take matters into our own hands.

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