Thursday 1 July 2021

Ruling Class Comes For Trump and His Ilk

The global ruling class is coming for Trump and his ilk, both in the US, and across the globe.  Trump, and all of the petty-bourgeois, reactionary populists like him, such as those behind Brexit, and similar movements across the globe, have been a pain in the arse for a ruling class, whose interest reside in creating ever larger single markets, and the breaking down of national borders, and restrictions on the free movement of capital, labour and goods and services.  It will reverse all those measures that the reactionaries took over the last few years, that frustrated those goals.  In dealing with Trump, it bites off one of the heads of that snake.

Trump's attempted coup on January 6th, was real, or more correctly surreal.  In other words, for Trump and those behind him, including all of the fascists that turned out to implement it, it was not just some piece of political theatre.  But, it was surreal, because it was only in the deluded minds of those people that it could ever have had any chance of succeeding.  Trump did not, and does not represent the interests of the ruling class, and the state is the state of that ruling class.  Unless the state either supports, or at least does not oppose such coups, they have no chance of success.

The idea that just because Trump is (or maybe isn't) a billionaire, and has consorted with other billionaires, means that he must be a representative of their interests is vulgar determinism.  Frederick Engels was a capitalist.  He consorted with other capitalists, taking part in the Cheshire Hunt, and so on.  His family consorted with the richest of the rich across Europe, such as the Rothschilds.  It certainly did not mean that the ideas he alongside Marx expounded were those reflecting the interests of the capitalist class.  Indeed, Marx himself not only relied on funding from Engels, but on funds from his uncle Lion Phillips, the Dutch tobacco capitalist, whose sons also established the Phillips electronics empire.  It did not make Marx an exponent of the interest of the bourgeoisie!

The plan that Trump had for January 6th was a delusion.  Had he pressed Pence to repudiate the vote, it would have had no effect, because no such power resides in the hands of the Vice-President.  Congress would have simply continued on its way to the ratification of the Electoral College vote.   If the members of the Electoral College had reneged on their obligations, it would simply have spelled the end of the Electoral College, whose time is up anyway, and standing behind all of that would be the US state itself, and primarily the army, whose duty is to the constitution, as determined, in reality, by the ruling class.  Anyone who doubts that has only to look at how quickly the mob was dispersed once that military was effectively mobilised.

The ruling class has used both soft and hard power.  The soft power came from even Trump's long-time propaganda arm, Fox News, abandoning him, and then his direct channel to the mass via social media being taken away from him by Facebook, and Twitter.  The hard power came from the physical dissolution of the mob, and then by its leaders being rounded up in the weeks that followed, many of them now indicted.  Their organisations would already have been deeply penetrated by the state, and on the months to come they will be further disrupted, and broken apart.

Now, the US state acting as the vehicle of the ruling class, is moving ever closer to Trump himself.  His fellow delusional conspirator, Giulliani, has had his lawyers licence removed.  Charges continue to stack up against all of those around Trump himself, who now no longer has the protection from prosecution he had as President, much as with his fellow Bonapartist, Netanyahu, in Israel.  The method has been clear.  Its the same method used against organised crime.  First pull in the lower orders, get them to roll over n those above them, in return for a lighter sentence, and continue this all the way up the food chain to the top.  The evidence in the hands of prosecutors from years of such activity is now vast.

Now, it is Trump's business organisation that is drawn in to the net.  His consigliere in the Trump organisation,  Allen Weisselberg, was in court today.  Weisselberg is said to be the one to know where all the financial bodies are buried in the organisation.  At 73 years old, even a ten year sentence, for him, would be almost like a life sentence.  With the rest of the evidence against Trump that the state will no doubt let him know they have, there will be little reason for him not to roll over on the Don.

But, that is just the start as the ruling class puts the wheels in motion across the globe against all of the wannabe Trump's, the Britain Trumps, and so on.  The revelations are going to come thick and fast in the next year or so about the various financial and other links connecting the reactionaries in the US, with those in Russia, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Britain and across Europe.  It will expose the real nature of Brexit as the project of that reactionary petty-bourgeoisie, a project whose extension was planned for the EU as a whole, but which has already failed miserably, in that regard, as support for the EU is now stronger than ever.

This is the start of the process where by the Empire Strikes Back.

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