A lot of
emphasis is being placed on the role of central banks in stopping the
current financial market crashes, as well as in preventing economies
sliding into recession. In reality, central banks have never been
able to achieve the latter aim, and because they have acted to blow
up the bubbles in property and financial markets, so many times in
the past, that are now bursting, they have now put themselves in a
position where they can no longer achieve that aim either. The air
in their own tanks has been used up, so they have none left to puff
more into those bubbles. It is a fact that the Governor of the
Indian central bank, Raghuram Rajan,
has pointed out in recent days.
In fact, it
has been the action of central banks, over the last 30 years, in
putting a floor under those financial and property markets – the so
Greenspan Put – that has created this condition.
Conservative governments, particularly in the US and UK, sought to
create an economic model based upon low
wages and high private debt,
with the latter being the other side of rapidly inflating asset
prices, which in turn provided collateral for yet further borrowing.
It was the model developed by Margaret Thatcher in Britain, and
Ronald Reagan in the US.
Despite North Sea oil revnues, the deficit to GDP ratio
was much higher during the Thatcher/Major governments
than under the last Labour government, as Thatcher used
high levels of unemployment to smash the unions, and
thereby reduce wages. |
In the UK,
for example, at the same time that Thatcher used North Sea oil
revenues to finance a massive rise in unemployment, so as to smash the
unions, and workers' ability to resist pay cuts and job losses, she
also deregulated financial markets so that banks and finance houses
could lend without end, to people whose falling wages were
increasingly going to be incapable of repaying the resulting debts.
Whilst ordinary people's incomes were falling, they were deluded, by
this policy, into believing that they were simultaneously becoming
more wealthy, because the value, on paper, of their house was going
through the roof, and if they had
money in shares or bonds, they were
going through the roof too – until, of course they didn't as in
1987 with the stock market crash, 1990 with the property market
crash, 1994 another stock market crash, 2000 another stock market
crash, 2007/8 another property market crash and 2008 yet another
stock market crash.
But, the
model required that these property and financial market crashes could
not be allowed to do what they have always done in history, which is
to clear away these bubbles, because that would prevent ordinary
people from borrowing even more, going even further into debt, and
without that, consumer demand, in economies that rely on high levels
of consumer spending, would have collapsed. It would have meant that
wages would have to rise, which would have undermined the model. In
the UK, in the early 1980's, everyone had been encouraged by Thatcher
to take on personal debt to buy their council house. Single people
were given the idea that they must “get on the property ladder”,
to accrue wealth out of thin air (unlike their parents who had lived
at home with their parents, usually well into their 20's, and
actually saved money, so as to be able to buy a house when they got
married). They were missold pensions by Thatcher's newly deregulated
financial services industry, and sold shares in the various
privatisations and so on.

So, when in
1987, global stock markets crashed by more than 25% in a single day,
this rather upset the scenario of ever rising wealth from nowhere
that Thatcher and Reagan, and the other proponents of the magic of
money, were trying to sell. Step into the picture, Alan Greenspan,
newly minted Chairman of the US Federal Reserve. Greenspan was a
devotee of Ayn Rand, and so also a proponent of “sound money”
based on gold. Well, the US had already dismantled any connection of
the dollar to gold – actually it should be gold to the dollar,
because the price of gold had been fixed at $30, at Bretton Woods –
in 1971, when Nixon, answered De Gaulle's requirement to have
France's debts paid in gold, by removing dollar convertibility to
gold, and making it illegal for US citizens to hold gold.
as the global capitalist system appeared to be disappearing down the
plughole of the financial markets, ignored his commitment to “sound
money”, and stepped in to slash interest rates, flood the economy
with liquidity, and thereby brought the panic to a halt. In the
following year, financial markets not only recovered the losses from
the crash, but rose by 50%! It appeared that money magic could cure
all ills after all, just as Milton Friedman and the Monetarists had
claimed. It reinforced the idea that the economy could be tweaked
using monetary levers, rather than the Keynesian fiscal levers that
had been the orthodoxy from 1945-74.

But, rather
like a game of whack-a-mole, having stopped the stock market crash by
devaluing the currency, the consequence was, in Britain, to simply
inflate another bubble. Between 1988-90, house prices more or less
doubled. Then, in 1990, with inflation rising, and the UK also
entering another recession, house prices crashed by 40%, taking them
right back down to where they had been in 1988! Of course, hundreds
of thousands of people who had bought at the top of the market,
including tens of thousands, who had bought council houses, found
they could not pay their mortgages, which had doubled, as mortgage
rates rose, whilst they could not get back what they had overpaid for
the house, because it was now worth only half what they had borrowed
to pay for it! Tens of thousands of people were evicted, at a time
when also Thatcher's policy had prevented the provision of
alternative housing to accommodate them.

But, that
set the scene for the period up to now. In 1994, as the Federal
Reserve attempted to raise official interest rates, it sparked yet
another stock market crash, as the price of bonds sold off, and
interest rates spiked. In 2000, following the financial crisis in
Asia and Russia, and with the potential for a further financial
crisis, as a result of fears of the Millennium Bug, the Federal
Reserve pumped yet more money tokens into circulation, which further
fuelled the bubble in shares, particularly technology shares that had
been running since 1995. The NASDAQ index, which had been rising by
amounts of up to 70% a year, similar to the recent rise in the
Shanghai Composite Index, fell in March 2000 by 75%. Fifteen years
later, it briefly got back above its 2000 level, only to once again
now fall back below it. So much for the idea, that shares or
property always rise over the longer term. In fact, it was not until
the mid 1950's, that US shares recovered the levels they had achieved
prior to the 1929 stock market crash, and for most people that is too
long a time-scale to have to wait, for it to do you any good.
banks have a role in providing liquidity into the economy to prevent
a credit crunch similar to that which arose in 2008, or as Marx
describes as happened in 1847 and 1857. But, that is all. They need
to provide the currency required to enable the real economy to
function, so that
commodities can continue to circulate. But, they
have no requirement to keep pumping liquidity into the economy to
reflate crashed financial markets, and to the extent they do, they
undermine both their own function, and the real economy. On the one
hand, by reflating property and financial markets, they prevent the
proper functioning of the market in clearing out excesses. There is
clearly no rational basis for either stocks or property to be at the
ludicrously high levels to which they have been pushed over the last
30 years.
That fact
alone has meant that workers' housing and pension costs have been
massively increased, which raises
the value of labour-power, and cuts
the rate of surplus value and profits. But, it also,
as Haldane has noted, leads to a situation where the owners of
fictitious capital
are led to believe that this is a never ending upward spiral.
Instead of
money-capital being used to accumulate
and thereby increase the mass of profits out of which interest
payments can be made, it simply goes into fuelling ever more
speculation, in the buying of existing financial assets at ever
higher, and unsustainable prices. The two things are directly
contradictory. The more money-capital goes into speculation, the
less goes into accumulating real
capital to produce the profits,
which finance the payment of interest to justify the holding of
fictitious capital! As Haldane puts it,
“capital eats itself”.
QE was
justified on the basis that it was needed to prevent global economies
going into recession, but it could never have achieved that. The
best it could do was to prevent a credit crunch sending the global
economy into a recession. But, the amount of liquidity required for
that, and the duration of such intervention, is very limited, whereas
the extent of QE has been more or less unlimited. Had central banks
allowed stock and property markets to crash in 1987, and not
repeatedly intervened to reflate them, on every subsequent occasion, when they inflated, the current financial crisis would not have
That has
been apparent in relation to the recent bubble in the Chinese
markets, where there are numerous stories of individual producers who
have diverted their available money-capital to stock market
speculation that they would otherwise have used to expand their
productive-capital. But, it is also visible in relation to major
corporations, whose top directors over recent decades have focussed
most of their attention on using profits for various forms of
financial engineering to boost share prices, rather than in expanding
the actual business. That is because those directors are the representatives of fictitious capital not productive-capital. They promote the interests of shareholders not the business itself.

QE could
never prevent recessions, it could only act alongside Keynesian
fiscal stimulus to increase the level of aggregate demand in the
economy. In the 1980's and 90's, monetary policy and the
encouragement of additional private debt acted to counter the drop in
wages that Thatcher's economic model required, and the low
productivity economy that followed from it. But, that was always
going to be a time limited solution, because once the levels of
private debt reached levels at which those individuals could no
longer realistically either pay back the debt, or take on additional
higher cost debt, the only answer is default. It is what has led on
the one hand to the development of the large number of Pay Day
lenders, and on the other to such a large number of people being in
debt to them.
So, the
policy of trying to promote aggregate demand by loose monetary policy
and an encouragement of debt, alongside a policy of austerity, under
current conditions, is bound to fail, and is failing. In fact, the
growth that does exist in the global economy is despite rather than
because of central bank and government policies. On the one hand
policies of austerity take demand out of the economy, and cause
uncertainty. On the other, monetary policy is encouraging
speculation and draining money from productive investment, which
would add both demand and capacity, provide jobs and income and
What is
more, not only is the monetary policy damaging real economic growth,
but it is not now capable of even reflating financial bubbles. The
Chinese central bank has cut official interest rates five times this
year, but the Shanghai Composite continues to crash. The Federal
Reserve and Bank of England have kept official interest rates on the
floor, but the stock markets there also have continued to fall. What
is more, even on the days that the central bankers announce that they
will hold or cut official interest rates, the actual market rates of
interest – the yields on bonds etc. – have been rising, which
shows that the central bankers cannot dictate market prices.
The truth is
that although China's economy is slowing down, it is still growing
rapidly, and as
Michael Roberts set out recently, those who are
writing it off, are likely to be proved wrong as they have been
several times in the past. Having said that, China does have several
problems it needs to address. It needs to shift its economy more
towards its own huge domestic market. To do that, it will need to do
what every other developed capitalist economy has done, and create a
welfare state. Industrialised capitalist economies require a welfare
state, so that the workers do not engage in individual large scale
savings to cover unemployment, ill-health, old age and so on. In
that way, they can devote a larger portion of their wages to
consumption. But, also industrialised economies need a welfare
state, which acts as the provider of the quantity and quality of
labour-power required by capital, at the least cost to it, and also
acts as a large automatic stabiliser in the aggregate demand of the
economy, avoiding the need for ad hoc interventions.
growth is not stellar, at the moment, for the reasons discussed above
and in previous posts, but there is still growth. In the US, where
the financial pundits continue to plead, on behalf of the speculators
they represent, for the Federal Reserve not to raise interest rates,
growth is still strong enough to suggest that the central bank is
behind the curve and should have raised rates long ago, rather than
holding off on raising them for even longer.
But, the
reality is that, whatever the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England,
the PBOC or any other central bank does, they have made themselves
irrelevant. They have repeatedly blown up asset price bubbles when
they collapsed over the last 30 years, and have spent up their
firepower in doing so. With interest rates at zero, and their
balance sheets blown up out of all rational proportion, they cannot
now do anything to reflate property or stock markets, without risking
hyper inflation. If central banks cannot now even suggest that they
will raise official rates from zero to 0.25%, for fear that it will
cause a stock market crash, then in reality, they may as well admit
they can never raise official interest rates ever again, because with
such extended bubbles, any rise in interest will always provoke such
a crash, as Gary Kiminsky pointed out on Bloomberg yesterday.
So, as has
happened in the past, and as the rise in bond yields over the last
few days has shown, whatever central banks do, the market will ignore
anyway. If the central bank does not raise rates, then the markets
will do it for it, as the owners of money-capital begin to realise
that the risk return has moved decidedly against them. That is
really what is behind the current sell-off. The supply of
money-capital is declining, whilst the demand for money-capital is
rising, with the necessary effect that interest rates will rise. As
Marx, Massie and Hume set out that cannot be changed by simply
printing more money.
Yet, it is
the latter that the central banks have essentially relied on as their
only tool. But the tool is now blunted, it is a hammer trying to
treat every problem as a nail.