Saturday, 15 March 2014

Northern Soul Classics - Do The Whip - Bobby Newton & The Gravities

Isn't it strange how some things are accidentally connected?  A couple of weeks ago, my son and some of his friends went to the nighter at Stoke Town Hall.  The last time I went was a couple of years ago for the Stoke premier of "Soul Boy", that my son worked on as crew, plus a small part as a bar tender.  Its a bit strange to see a number of the main actors now appearing together in the TV series "Line of Duty", in which also appears, fellow Stokie, Neil Morrissey, who also, a few years ago, presented my son with his Media Production degree, and hung out with them after the ceremony.

Nothing much to do with this week's selection, however, other than him recounting what a great time they had has prompted me to go get a new pair of dancing shoes, so that I will be ready for the next Stoke nighter in July.  As I'd been planning a series of Wheel classics, what better place to start then than this gem from Bobby Newton.

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