Marx uses
the term 'Capital' in a number of ways. He talks of Capital
in a number of forms, which are specified, for instance
“Productive-Capital”, “Money-Capital”,
“Commodity-Capital”, each of which are specific physical
forms of Capital. Each of these imply a definition of Capital itself
as something more than just these specific forms of it. In this
sense, Marx also talks of Capital as being “a social relation”,
as well as being “self-expanding value”. In fact, both of
these last two definitions are aspects of the same thing. Capital
is self-expanding value, but value can only self-expand within the
context of a specific social relation. When Marxists speak of
“Capital” then they mean something different to its usual
use in vocabulary. In fact, it means something even more specific
than the more restricted use that bourgeois economists apply compared
to its normal use in every day language.
The essence
of “Value” is labour. Value is labour, and the measure of
value is labour-time. Value can always be expanded, therefore,
simply by adding or performing more labour. A primitive commune
creates value by performing communal labour - hunting, fishing,
making tools etc. It can always create more value by performing more
labour. But, there is no means by which this value can expand
without the performance of additional Labour-time. It cannot be
self-expanding value.
The same is
true of other forms of society. In a slave-owning society, for
example, the majority of people are not slave-owners, but
self-sufficient peasants. Each peasant family produces an amount of
value equal to the labour-time it performs. If, it produces products
that are surplus to its requirements, and decides to exchange them
for other products it requires, so that these surplus products become
transformed into commodities, and the value of the products becomes
measured in a quantity of other products, i.e. it takes the form of
an exchange value, this process does not lead to the creation of any
additional value. One amount of value/labour-time is simply
exchanged for an equivalent amount of value/labour-time.
This is
still true for the slave-owner. As Marx sets out in the Grundrisse
and in Capital slaves occupy the same position in the economy as does any other pack animal, and the same is true of a machine. That is a
slave, a beast of burden and a machine can all produce surplus
products, in that they can produce more products than are required
for their production and maintenance, but they do not produce a value
greater than is required for their production and maintenance. The
owner of a slave, ox, or water mill will have to expend value for
their purchase and maintenance, and that value will be transferred
into the value of the products they help produce, but nothing more.
The illusion is created that these things create additional value
only because where they are used to produce commodities, the exchange
value of those commodities is determined by the average social
labour-time required for their production, and that may be higher
than the individual value of commodities produced using slave labour,
pack animals or machines. The difference between the individual
value and the social value, therefore appears as a surplus value, but
if all commodities were produced using slaves, pack animals and
machines in the same way, then the difference between the individual
value and social value would disappear, and the surplus value would
disappear with it.
The same is
true of a communist society. A communist society will produce value
equal to the labour-time expended. Workers will receive tokens equal
to the labour-time they have contributed, and giving them an
entitlement to an equivalent proportion of the total social
labour-time expended, after deductions have been made to cover
administration costs etc. As Marx puts it in the Critique of the
Gotha Programme,
“Here, obviously, the same principle prevails as that which regulates the exchange of commodities, as far as this is exchange of equal values. Content and form are changed, because under the altered circumstances no one can give anything except his labour, and because, on the other hand, nothing can pass to the ownership of individuals, except individual means of consumption. But as far as the distribution of the latter among the individual producers is concerned, the same principle prevails as in the exchange of commodity equivalents: a given amount of labour in one form is exchanged for an equal amount of labour in another form.”
So, again
although such a society produces a surplus product – a product
greater than was needed to replace the means of production and the
labour-power consumed in producing the current output – no surplus
value is created.
It is only
in the specific conditions of Capitalism, where Capital employs
wage-labour, that a surplus value is produced. It is the production
of surplus value, which is the means by which Capital self-expands.
“But it is only within the process of production that the value laid out in labour-power is converted (not for the labourer but for the capitalist) from a definite, constant magnitude into a variable one, and only thus the advanced value is converted altogether into capital-value, into capital, into self-expanding value.”
(Capital II pp 217-8)
Capital is
then both a social relation and self-expanding value, and one entails
the other.
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