The Government in Cyprus,
with the full backing of the EU and other supra-state bodies like the
IMF, has decided to expropriate 10% of the savings of ordinary
people, in order to prop up the banks –
Cyprus Bank Levy.
As with most expropriations,
its not big capitalists who are being expropriated, but ordinary
workers, and the middle class. The big capitalists have the majority
of their money where it cannot be touched so easily. Its held in
bonds and shares that can be sold electronically in a fraction of a
second, and moved somewhere safe, if the capitalists get a sniff of
any threat to it. As with the expropriations carried out in Britain
in the centuries prior to the industrial revolution, it was not the
big landowners who were expropriated, but the small peasants and
artisans. The same thing happened after the French Revolution as
Marx describes in “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”,
and when various state capitalist regimes have expropriated property,
as was done, for example, with the Cardenas regime in Mexico, with
Nasser's regime in Egypt, and indeed as happened with the
nationalisations carried out by the 1945 Labour Government, the
capitalists that owned these businesses are usually more than
adequately compensated.

Concern about what kinds of
similar arbitrary measures might be undertaken in Greece, for
example, led many people to withdraw their money from Greek banks.
That was driven not just by a fear of what might happen to those
banks, but what might happen if Greece left the Euro. In turn that
caused a run on Greek banks, placing them in a more difficult
situation, that increased the need for a bail-out. It meant Greek
businesses, already worried about the economic situation, had even
less reason to invest, which meant that economic growth was reduced
further, throwing even more people out of work, and worsening the
economic situation. Big Greek Capitalists were able to simply sell
their shares and bonds, and move their money into German, or US
shares and bonds, and take their cash to use to buy expensive houses
in London and New York, and moor their expensive yachts in Poole
harbour, where apparently now you can't even find an available space.
Similar concerns led people
to start withdrawing their money en masse from Spanish, and
Portuguese banks, causing similar problems there, before Mario Draghi
stepped in to offer to print money to prop them up. Already, we have
seen people queuing up in Cyprus at ATM's to get their money out of
their accounts. A run on Cypriot banks is the last thing they need
at a time when they were having to be bailed out anyway! But, of
course, it is not the rich, who are queuing up at ATM's, the rich
will have already moved their money to safety, and in any case, most
of their wealth is not held in cash to begin with.
What is worse, the Cypriot
Government, has not even passed the law to legalise this robbery yet,
and yet Cypriot banks have frozen ordinary people's bank accounts,
and even set aside amounts equal to the amount of the levy, ready to
be handed to the government, even if people do close their accounts!
But, that is not likely to save them. If I had money in a Cypriot
bank, I would still be closing the account, because if they can steal
money from that account once, they can do it again. But, that applies to all European banks, now, given that this has been backed by the EU and IMF. If money can be simply stolen from accounts in this way, it means the so called Bank Deposit Guarantee is worthless, because its clear that if things get tough, Governments will simply renege on it, so no bank deposit is now safe.

But, for ordinary people as
opposed to Capitalists even that is not necessarily a means of
escape. After WWII, the main capitalist powers recognised the
hegemony of the United States. At Bretton Woods, they established a
new global capitalist framework, more compatible with the new global
capitalist economy. In the 1930's, countries that for more than a
century had operated under the Gold Standard, which fixed the value
of their currency to the price of gold, were forced to abandon it, in
order to devalue their currencies. Under Bretton Woods, the opposite
was effectively established. Rather than fixing currencies to the
price of gold, the price of gold was fixed against the dollar, at $30
an ounce. Then all other currencies were fixed to the dollar at this
rate. This meant that the official price of gold remained at $30 an
ounce, no matter how many dollars the US printed to finance its war
in Vietnam, or its spending at home.

But, more than that, worried
at the potential of a collapse of the global monetary system, which
looked likely in the 1970's, the US also made it illegal for ordinary
citizens to hold gold. You could be sent to gaol just for being in
possession of gold, just as if it was heroin. That was because the
state needed a means of expropriating wealth from ordinary citizens,
where they were holding gold, that became much more difficult.
Its perhaps interesting that
in the last few months, Germany and other countries have been
withdrawing their gold, held on reserve in the US. Its likely they
know something the rest of us are not yet being told. In addition,
both China and Russia have started building up their own gold
reserves at a much faster rate. Given the extent to which every
country in the world is now in a race to depreciate its own paper
currency, by printing huge amounts of it, its no wonder that those
who are able to, have started to increase their holdings of gold.
But, that in itself is bad
for general economic health. Money used to buy gold, creates no new
wealth whatsoever, other than to a small extent in terms of
stimulating new gold production. It is money that otherwise could
have been used to build factories, buy machines, raw materials, and
to set people to work. The fact that it has gone into such
unproductive uses instead, is itself a function of the general amount
of fear and uncertainty created in Europe and the US, largely as a
result of political decisions. Where governments engage in these
kinds of arbitrary measures it only exacerbates that fear and
Nor has the British
Government helped by its own arbitrary response. They have said they
will compensate British troops, and government employees in Cyprus
for the money taken out of their accounts. But, that is a totally
arbitrary decision. The British State is supposed on paper to
protect all of its citizens, not just some, though, of course,
Marxists know that is never true anyway. But, this is blatant
arbitrariness. Why is it only compensating those British citizens?
What about the thousands of British workers who have retired to
Cyprus, in order to spend the last few years of their life in the
sun? Why is the British Government not compensating them? When
Iceland failed to compensate British savers when its banks collapsed,
at least Gordon Brown agreed to compensate all British savers, as
they were protected in Britain.
The potential next week is
that people with money in banks across Europe, particularly those in
places like Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy, will see this theft,
and decide to get their money out while they can. A single action in
one of the smallest countries in the EU, could be the spark that
creates the economic crisis that either collapses the whole project,
or else forces European politicians to take the necessary measures to
prevent it.
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