Tuesday 9 July 2024

Stalin and The Chinese Revolution, 5. The Government of Chiang Kai-shek as a Living Refutation of the State

5. The Government of Chiang Kai-shek as a Living Refutation of the State

The attitude of the Stalinists to the government of Chiang Kai Shek, prior to his coup of April 1927, is remarkably similar to the attitude of today's social-imperialists to the government of Zelensky, in Ukraine.

Trotsky quotes from a speech by Kalinin, in March 1927, just a couple of weeks before Chiang's coup, and the murder of thousands of worker-communists in Shanghai.

“All the classes of China, beginning with the proletariat and ending with the bourgeoisie, hate the militarists as the puppets of foreign capital; all the classes of China look upon the Canton government as the national government of the whole of China in the same way.” (Izvestia, March 6, 1927)” (p 268)

Today, almost identical comments are made by the social-imperialists, like the AWL, who declare that, as a result of Russia's invasion, all the classes, in Ukraine are united against it, under the umbrella of Zelensky's government, and that the Ukrainian capitalist state, and NATO imperialism is the defender of workers' interests!!!

The same sentiments were expressed by another Stalinist, Rudzutak.

““Pausing further on the situation in China, comrade Rudzutak pointed out that the revolutionary government has behind it all the classes of China.” [Pravda, March 9, 1927]” (p 268)

And, Trotsky says that Voroshilov expressed the same sentiment, on many occasions.

“Truly in vain did Lenin clear the Marxian theory of the state from the petty-bourgeois garbage. The epigones succeeded in a short time in covering it with twice as much refuse.” (p 268)

Since then, not only has Stalinism tipped piles of manure on to the teachings of Marx, Engels and Lenin, but the post-war, petty-bourgeois “Left” that has masqueraded under the label of Trotskyism, has piled even more on to it, as well as dumping even more shit on to Trotsky's attempt to uncover it.

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