Tuesday 1 October 2024

US/NATO Is At War With Iran and Russia

The US and its subordinates within the NATO imperialist bloc is already at war with Iran and Russia. As Von Clausewitz noted, “war is the continuation of politics by other means.” This is, also, another means of saying that, war, like everything in the real world, has a birth, maturity and death, and is not just some single event, occurring at a given moment, even if we could define what a moment is. Every such “moment”, is, itself, a process. Just ask a Mother, about the “moment” of birth, for example, which can last for hours of painful labour.

The current genocidal war being undertaken by the Zionist state, in Israel, against the Palestinians and other Arab populations in Lebanon and Syria, can only be viewed as either that Zionist state being the tail that wags the US imperialist dog, or else that the US imperialist dog is wagging the Zionist tail, whilst pretending that the tail has a mind of its own. The former version of events, is, of course, the familiar, anti-Semitic trope that, somehow, a small number of Jews, control the levers of power across the globe. It is nonsense, and has always been nonsense.

For one thing, when Ronald Reagan was President, and the Zionist state invaded Lebanon, a single phone call from Reagan to the Zionist Prime Minister, the former terrorist, Menachem Begin, telling him to stop, was enough to have the Zionist state end its operations within 24 hours. Of course, on that occasion, it was not some pang of moral conscience that led Reagan to act, but was the fact that, the Saudi King had, in turn, rang him to say that he needed to end it, as the pictures appearing on screens of Arab civilians in the refugee camps being slaughtered by the Zionists, was leading to their own populations rising up, and demanding they act. That was at a time when the US, and its imperialist allies were still highly dependent on the oil flowing from the Gulf, and the memory of what happened in 1973, when that flow was stopped.

What is different this time, is that no such calls are coming from Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States, and the US, as with other imperialist states is much less dependent on that oil, anyway. Technology has massively increased the efficiency of energy use, so that oil plays a much smaller role in relation to the growth of economies; the US has, also, again as a result of technology, increased its own oil production, to again become an oil exporter. So, the Gulf states have less leverage over the US, even if they wanted to use it, which, they do not seem to want to do, anyway. But, more importantly, and connected to the last point, as I have set out before, the reality is that the Zionist state is acting, in this current war, as the instrument of US/NATO strategic policy.

The idea that the US/NATO has not sanctioned, and helped plan, the current genocide in Gaza, and its extension into the West Bank, and, now, into Lebanon is laughable. At each stage, every time the Zionist state has breached the supposed “red lines”, set out purely for public consumption, by Biden, the response has been not only to retrospectively sanction and support those actions, but to further endorse them by providing the Zionist war machine with even more weapons to “get the job done”, as Trump so honestly and openly described it. When the “international community”, and so called “rules based order”, in the form of the United Nations, and its courts, the ICJ and ICC, ruled against the actions of the Zionist state, and its genocide, the response of US/NATO imperialism was not to back it up with a demand that its rulings be upheld, but was, instead, to attack the UN, the ICC, and ICJ, and, indeed to impose sanctions upon them, and their judges!

The Zionist state, in its genocide in Gaza, is implementing, directly, the wishes of US/NATO imperialism, and no other rational conclusion can be drawn, given the dependence of the Zionist state on US imperialism. To argue otherwise is simply to repeat those old anti-Semitic tropes, about a mysterious power of Jews to control the US.

One argument that has been used is that, even if the US did stop its arms supplies to the Zionist state, it has a large stockpile, and its own arms industry. Even were that a legitimate argument, it is no reason for the US not having, then, stopped those supplies months ago, when its publicly pronounced red lines were breached. The very fact, of announcing the ending of such supplies would have sent a powerful message to the Zionists. Indeed, even the pathetic, token suspension of just 8% of UK military supplies to the Zionist state, was enough to have the Zionists protesting vociferously, even though the UK supplies only a small proportion, compared to the US.

Moreover, the argument is false, anyway, because the US has had to continually increase its supplies to the Zionist state, over the last year, as it has been rapidly depleting its stocks, and, although it does have its own advanced arms industry, that still relies on the supplies of components and so on. Finally, that argument is false, when considered from the standpoint that, if the US really wanted to uphold international law, in the way it claimed to do, when it intervened in Serbia, Iraq, Syria and Libya, it would, also, have put military teeth into the UN resolutions, rather than itself vetoing the resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire, and so on. In fact, so far from doing that is it that it will not allow the Lebanese state to have its own air defence systems to defend itself, let alone allow the Palestinian state any such means of defence against Zionist aggression. So much for its much vaunted two bourgeois states solution.

The Zionist state has continually been prodding Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran with the support of US/NATO imperialism standing behind it, as part of a conscious strategic plan. In all these countries, Iran has proxies such as Hezbollah. The strategic plan of US imperialism, implemented by its Zionist proxy is to force Iran itself to engage in a direct attack on the Zionist state in Israel, which will provide the justification for an all-out war between the Zionist state and Iran, which will provide, also, the justification for US/NATO imperialism to attack Iran openly. It is the same strategy used in Serbia/Kosovo, where the US used channels, via its, then, ally Osama Bin Laden, to promote the criminal gang of the KLA into an insurgent group stirring up ethnic violence between Serb and Albanian Kosovans, so as to force Serbia to intervene, which then gave the pretext for the US/NATO to attack Serbia.

It is the same strategy used in Eastern Europe, and, now, also in Ukraine, and through which US/NATO imperialism, in the words of former NATO Secretary-General, George Robertson, goaded Russia into invading Ukraine, just as it had previously done, in 2008, in Georgia, with its attacks on ethnic Russians in South Ossetia, as part of the continual expansion of NATO Eastwards, in order to surround Russia. Another current example, is the use of Taiwan by the US/NATO against China.  The strategy is, again, the same. Either Russia responded to the goading, or it allowed itself to be surrounded by the hostile forces of US/NATO imperialism, opening it up, immediately, to further interventions, amongst its own ethnic minorities, to destabilise it, and stir up separatist tendencies, and communalism, and, in the longer-term, to its salami slicing and dismemberment.

Similarly, the Zionists have continually stepped up their goading of Iran, attempting to draw it into a significant attack on Israel that would justify a qualitative increase in the conflict into a regional war, and justification for overt US/NATO intervention. But, at each stage, Iran has limited its responses to Zionist aggression, such as its bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, with very measured attacks.

The US/NATO/Zionist strategy is salami slicing the Iranian proxies in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon and Syria away from it, goading it into coming to their support, and a significant strike on Israel itself. If it does not come to the defence of its proxies, it will appear weak, and will, indeed, become weaker, but, nor will it save itself either. At some point, no matter how much Iran sits on its hands, the US/NATO and its Zionist proxy is coming for it. They will engineer some event, real or as a false flag operation, that they will pin on Iran, and use it as justification. One reason for that, now, is not only that set out previously, of the need to eliminate the Palestinians to establish a Greater Israel, but is, also, the fact that Iran seeing the current developments, is likely to step up its nuclear programme, and may test a nuclear weapon in the next three months. At that point, all plans for invading Iran are off.

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