Thursday 20 June 2024

Starmer's Zionist Allies Cite Hitler As Inspiration For Their Genocide In Gaza

Anyone inside the Labour Party that has mentioned Zionism and Nazism in the same breath has made themselves subject to immediate expulsion, as the equation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, has run riot, and even just to question that equation, has itself laid you open to charges of anti-Semitism, and expulsion. Yet, it is a matter of historical fact that Zionism and Nazism are related, both ideologically, and historically. Just as, in the post-war period, Zionism and Stalinism were ideologically and historically linked, for a short period, before Zionism became entirely dependent upon US imperialism, for its survival. The Zionist terrorists, such as The Stern Gang, attempted to ally themselves both with the Nazi regime in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy.

To quote Wikipedia,

“Early Zionists were the primary Jewish supporters of the idea that Jews are a race, as it "offered scientific 'proof' of the ethno-nationalist myth of common descent".[55] Zionist nationalism drew from a German ethnic-nationalist theory that people of common descent should seek separation and pursue the formation of their own state.[50]

Anyone paying attention, can point to numerous statements, however, by Zionist politicians in the government, in Israel, today, whose, racist and genocidal intent is unmistakable, in respect to the Palestinians, not just in Gaza, but in the rest of Palestine. Indeed, its clear that consistent with Zionism's declared goal of creating a Greater Israel, “From The River To The Sea”, as an exclusively Jewish state, and, therefore, different to every other state on the planet, a state that is by its definition, exclusivist and racist, the Zionists do not see their activity as limited to just continuing to steal, and forcibly evict Palestinians, but also other Arab populations, in Jordan, Lebanon etc. This is not a matter of just some bad actors in the current, Netanyahu government, but is central to the ideology and raison d'etre of the Zionist state itself.

But, now, that ideology is being clearly implemented in front of our eyes, as the Zionist state commits genocide against the people of Gaza. And, now, we have, not a member of the Labour Party drawing the links between this Zionist ideology, and its genocide in Gaza with Nazism, but a Zionist in Israel, themselves openly proclaiming it, as shown in this video. 

Unfortunately, Owen Jones still refuses to draw the inevitable conclusion from all of this, and continues to declare that Israel has lost in Gaza! In what surreal world can that be described as the case. In order to draw that conclusion, you would have to accept the Zionist claim that their aim in their attack on Gaza, was to destroy Hamas, and to retrieve the hostages. But, that was never the aim of the invasion. As in all such wars, it simply provided a pretext for it.

As I have set out, previously, the aim of the invasion, and subsequent genocide is not to destroy Hamas, and certainly not to rescue its hostages, but is precisely, genocide, to wipe out the Gazan population, firstly by military force, and, now, by allowing the survivors of it, to die from famine, pestilence and plague. They will either die, or be driven into the sea, or into Sinai, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, where their presence will, again, be used by the Zionist regime, to wage its next set of wars of annexation. Already, the next one is being lined up in Lebanon, and those that think that Hezbollah will be able to resist it are, again, deluding themselves, as the Zionist state, backed by US imperialism, will simply overwhelm them with air power, whilst sitting behind the supposedly “defensive” Iron Dome, and Patriot Missile systems.

Yet, unlike Starmer's immediate condemnation of Putin as a war criminal, he continues not only to fail to condemn Zionist war crimes and genocide, but continues to argue for it to be armed, continues to act as apologist for it, and to expel any Labour member that dares point to it, whilst bureaucratically foisting Zionist apologists on to local Labour Parties ahead of them being slotted into his incoming Blue Labour government, as set out in this video. 

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