Wednesday 19 June 2024

Stalin and The Chinese Revolution, The Bloc of Four Classes - Part 2 of 3

The “Left”, which has subordinated itself, and the working-class to Zelensky and NATO, in a Popular Front, is left bleating that Ukrainian labour and civic organisations have been given no role in that London conference of imperialist jackals. Why would any Marxist imagine they would? Its purpose is to discuss how best Ukraine's workers and resources can be exploited by imperialism! Mason, reported from an “activist” conference of those excluded, as, of course, they were bound to be excluded, despite their slavish subservience to the war being undertaken by Zelensky and NATO.

“The participants in the event, entitled Another Ukraine Is Possible, believe that, unless they can claw their way into the official reconstruction process, it will unleash a bonanza of privatisation and deregulation, leading to the Ukraine’s ultimate economic dependency on the West and the erosion of workers’ and women’s rights.”

But, why would a right-wing, anti-worker, capitalist regime, such as that of Zelensky, allow them into that process, especially when they are supporting his regime, without any quid pro quo, on his part? Of course, another Ukraine is possible, just as another EU was possible, and another China was possible, but not on the basis of the impotent bleating of a labour movement that limits itself to, and subordinates itself to the interests of the liberal bourgeoisie! As Trotsky put it, in relation to the wider context of war, and the subordination of workers interests to the bourgeoisie and its state, on the basis of the delusion that somehow, workers, could determine the basis of such wars,

"Where and when has an oppressed proletariat “controlled” the foreign policy of the bourgeoisie and the activities of its arm? How can it achieve this when the entire power is in the hands of the bourgeoisie? In order to lead the army, it is necessary to overthrow the bourgeoisie and seize power. There is no other road. But the new policy of the Communist International implies the renunciation of this only road.

When a working class party proclaims that in the event of war it is prepared to “control” (i.e., to support) its national militarism and not to overthrow it, it transforms itself by this very thing into the domestic beast of capital. There is not the slightest ground for fearing such a party: it is not a revolutionary tiger but a trained donkey. It may be kept in starvation, flogged, spat upon – it will nevertheless carry the cargo of patriotism. Perhaps only from time to time it will piteously bray: “For God’s sake, disarm the Fascist leagues.” In reply to its braying it will receive an additional blow of the whip. And deservingly so!"

But, the USC and its affiliates do not even call for the Azov Battalion etc. to be disarmed, and even attack any suggestion of the role of the fascists in Ukraine, as merely Putin's propaganda! Paul Mason quoted, from the conference of these trained donkeys.

“Oksana Holota, a representative of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) told delegates:

“Russia is killing, destroying and annihilating Ukraine. Even before the full-scale Russian invasion, the level of social and material security was low. Since the start of the war income levels have decreased significantly. Social security has been removed, wages cut, hours increased and inflation is up. According to the World Bank the number of people below the poverty line is projected to hit 50%...

Unfortunately our union is currently seeing the liberalisation of labour laws: the adoption of changes to labour legislation that do not comply with international labour standards, which can lead to employers diktat. These changes look intended to destroy the union movement – and we oppose the adoption of such laws – and we ask for support.””

He also described the state of Ukraine's economy resulting from NATO/Zelensky's war with Russia.
  • Fall in GDP: 29%
  • Inflation: 30%
  • Real wage decline: 11%
  • Unemployment: 21%

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