Sunday 16 July 2023

Lessons Of The Chinese Revolution - Table of Contents


Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Historical Background

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

The Chinese Revolution and the Theses of Comrade Stalin

Trotsky's First Speech On The Chinese Question

Trotsky's Second Speech On The Chinese Question

The Canton Insurrection

Stages of The Revolution

Democratic Dictatorship Or A Dictatorship Of The Proletariat

Adventurism As A Product of Opportunism

Soviets and Revolution

The Chinese Question After The Sixth Congress


Permanent Revolution and The Canton Insurrection

The Inter-Revolutionary Period

The Soviets and The Constituent Assembly

One More On The Slogan Of The Democratic Dictatorship

Appendix - A Remarkable Document

What Is Happening In China?

A Retreat In Full Disorder

Stalin and The Chinese Revolution

1. The Bloc of Four Classes

2. The Perspectives of The Revolution According To Stalin

3. Stalin and Chiang Kai Shek

4. The Strategy of Lenin and The Strategy of Stalin

5. The Government of Chiang Kai Shek As A Living Refutation of The State

6. How The Shanghai Overturn Took Place

7. The Organisers Of The “Infusion Of Workers’ And Peasants’ Blood”

8. Stalin Repeats His Experiment With The "Left" Guomindang

9. Against The Opposition - For The Guomindang

10. Stalin Again Disarms the Chinese Workers and Peasants

11. The Stalinist Experiment With Ministerialism

12. Leaders and Masses

13. The Canton Uprising

14. The Period of Putschism

15. After The Sixth Congress

16. Soviets and The Class Character of The Revolution

17. The Chinese Question At The 16th Congress of The CPSU

18. The Character of Stalin's Mistakes

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