Thursday, 2 January 2025

Predictions For 2025, Prediction 5 – Blair-Rights Challenge Blue Labour Leadership

Prediction 5 – Blair-Rights Challenge Blue Labour Leadership

Starmer was seen as one of the vanguard of Blairism, a view he seemed to encourage by his prominent role in leading the campaign, under Corbyn, for a second EU referendum, to overturn Brexit. But, the reality is that he is either the willing captive of the far-right, Zionist, Blue Labour Tendency within the Labour Party, that acts as a party within a party, with its own funding channelled through various billionaires and millionaires, often based in The Cayman Islands, or other tax havens, or else he is the active leader of that Tendency.

The far, right, Zionist, and nationalist nature of Stamer's politics has been shown not only in his rapid adoption of the far right's flagship policy, and crowning achievement, so far, of Brexit, but by his other, sovereigntist, monarchist and uber nationalist policies, whose visible manifestation is merely the gut-wrenching flag waving and forelock tugging to to all of the undemocratic, feudalistic institutions, but, also, in the overtly racist language and actions adopted in relation to Palestinians, as well as in relation to immigrants, and immigration. Again, the visible manifestation of that ideology, in the visits to the Italian fascists, to compare notes, is the least objectionable aspect of it. It simply makes it clear to all what the ideology, the political platform and the direction of travel of Blue Labour is. We have seen it before with Pilsudski, Mussolini, and Mosley.

However, as I have set out before, these reactionary, petty-bourgeois nationalist politics of Blue Labour do not represent the interests either of the ruling-class as owners of fictitious-capital, nor of the real, large-scale socialised industrial capital, upon which they ultimately depend. Those interests require membership of the EU, and in that, those interests tally with those of the working-class itself, objectively, also, as the collective owners of that socialised capital. It is no wonder that Blue Labour did so badly in the last General Election, getting even less votes than Corbyn's Labour obtained even in 2019, let alone 2017. No wonder too that, as Starmer and Blue Labour has gone even further to the Right in its pursuit of those far-right, nationalist politics, it has seen its popularity shatter even more, as its core, progressive, working class base rushes away from it in search of even just, more liberal, modernist, and democratic alternatives.

Blue Labour, now, not only stands lower in the opinion polls than the hated Tories that voters turfed out only a matter of months ago, but even lower than Reform, the even further Raving Right, than the Tories! Having basically gutted Labour's membership base and organisation with their witch hunts and purges, Blue Labour has now effectively eviscerated its electoral base too, reducing it to a level of insignificance not seen since its inception as a parliamentary party. Yet, it has done that even as it has a massive majority of seats in parliament, due solely to the fraudulent nature of the British electoral system that amounts to overt ballot rigging. But, that simply emphasises how fragile that superficial parliamentary representation is. It is a total fiction, not just out of line with the interests of the ruling-class and its state, but even out of line with the current ideas and wishes of the vast majority of the electorate. It is a fiction that must explode in contact with reality.

According to numerous inside political sources, the Blair-Rights, and others, are already plotting and organising for the removal of Starmer, whose own personal performance has been abysmal, even in terms of the abysmal politics and performance of Blue Labour as a whole. As I have set out, elsewhere, the key moment for the Blair-Rights is going to be the local elections in the Spring. Given the cycle of local elections, Blue Labour would be expected to not do so badly, but all of the current evidence suggests that it is going to do appallingly badly. Reform may improve their position, as the Tories are already splitting, with many of them defecting to Reform, at the same time as the more liberal, progressive, professional middle-class Conservatives peel off to the Liberals, and even Greens. Reform will no doubt get a further boost from a Trump Presidency, let alone any millions headed its way from the likes of Elon Musk.

At the same time, Blue Labour is seeing its own core vote haemorrhage to more liberal and progressive alternatives, be it the Liberals, Greens, or the various independents, who are being pulled by political gravity towards some kind of alliance if not formal organisation. Over the last few years, the Liberals and Greens have been gaining support at an increasing pace, as Blue Labour has surged to the Right. The local elections will see that trend accelerate even faster. That will be the point at which the Blair-Rights begin to make their move. Whether they succeed in removing Starmer at the first strike is uncertain, but to do so they will require the backing of the trades unions, already, themselves, being antagonised by Starmer and Blue Labour, with its anti-working class agenda, and paltry pay offer to public sector workers. The trades unions, keen to back any slightly progressive movement, and chance to salvage the hope that Labour might be able to recover its electoral fortunes, will be likely to subordinate themselves to the Blair-Rights for that purpose.

The Blair-Rights, of course, much as happened with the Popular Front in France, in the last elections, and as happens with all such Popular Fronts, will simply use the trades unions as useful idiots to achieve their own goals, before ditching them. The Blair-Rights have always wanted to free themselves from the trades unions, and current conditions give them an opportunity to do that, once they have defeated Blue Labour, and brought about a wider realignment. The outlines of that are fairly clear, and were drawn with the abortive alliance that was Change UK. Change UK was the epitome of Blairism, as the representative of conservative social-democracy, and agent of the ruling-class and its interests.

The continued disaster that is Brexit, the fact that the large majority of voters recognise it as being a disaster that they, now, want to reverse, combined with the fact that Starmer and Blue Labour have tied themselves to it, as it sinks, will become even more an albatross for them, as the ridiculous idea of a Blue Labour Brexit that works, becomes ever more apparently impossible. Some commentators have even noted that Starmer's pronouncements now sound like the ravings and inanities of Trump, in their formulation. Having failed with the EU, Starmer and Blue Labour will be driven to seek salvation themselves in the arms of Trump, in the company of their international bedfellows, such as Netanyahu. That of itself is likely to be too much for the ruling-class, and its Blair-Right representatives in Britain.

An electorally shattered Blue Labour in the elections, an increasing challenge to Starmer, a surging Liberal and Green alternative to it, will open the door for the Blair-Rights to propose a new realignment to fight off the drift to the Right. It will draw together the Conservative rump, after the Tories have split to Reform, the Liberals, and will, thereby, also form a pole of attraction for Greens. The Left must be ready to orientate towards it, to warn of the dangers of such Popular Fronts, as seen in France, but, also, to build within it, from the grass roots upwards, a real socialist alternative. Ironically, given Starmer's former role, the main thrust of this new formation is going to be the need to join the EU, to end the madness of Brexit. Again, the Left should be ready to intervene within that drive to challenge the Blair-Right narrative, and to argue the need to join the EU on the basis of building an EU wide, workers movement, breaking down national borders, and working towards the creation of a Workers' Europe.

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