Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Predictions For 2025, Prediction 1 – The Theatre of War Moves To Syria

Prediction 1 – The Theatre of War Moves To Syria

Last year, I noted that the Zionist state, having flattened Gaza and Lebanon, would move its attention to Syria, which it, also, has long occupied, in The Golan Heights, and into which it regularly undertakes military raids, with impunity, under the umbrella of US/NATO imperialism. The talk, amongst some on the Left, about the Zionist state having lost in Gaza, and facing defeat against Hezbollah, were shown to be, as I had predicted, just petty-bourgeois, moralistic, self-defeating bullshit.

The Zionist state never had as its goals defeating Hamas or retrieving hostages, but of exterminating the Palestinians as a people, which it has largely achieved in Gaza, and is in the process of doing in the West Bank. It had no goal of defeating Hezbollah, as such, but, again, of simply smashing to the ground, the Lebanese state, (which itself shows the formalistic idiocy of the bourgeois-nationalist panacea of a two-state solution), so as to free its hands for its wider goal, backed by US/NATO imperialism, of creating a Zionist state “from the river to the sea”, as the basis of a new pro-US alliance in the region, as set out in the Abraham Accords.

The stepping up of Islamist attacks in Syria, resulting in their taking over of Aleppo, is no coincidence, arising within days of Lebanon being smashed, and signing what amounts to a surrender to the Zionist state. In Gaza, the Zionist state did deals with ISIS to exercise control after the Hamas run, state structures had been destroyed.

US imperialism, since 2011, has been financing and arming jihadists in Syria, just as it did in arming Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 1980's, and, then used Bin Laden as go between with the KLA, in Kosovo, in the 90's. Now, with Hezbollah decapitated, and Russia having its attention focused on Ukraine, it has taken the opportunity to open or, more correctly, to intensify, a new front line against Russia~China, and their allies. This is not some speculative assertion, but is admitted by the military planners of western imperialism, who say openly that NATO is at war with Russia, as described in this Sky News interview with Sir Richard Dearlove.

In that interview, if anyone doubted that western imperialism sees itself above the law, and able to break the law with impunity, they should be quickly disabused of it, along with any remaining delusions in the sham of bourgeois democracy, and the so called international rules based system. He opposes even arresting the war criminals in the Zionist state, to stand trial for the charges brought against them by the ICC. Dearlove, of course, supported Brexit, no doubt as he seeks to tie British imperialism inseparably to US imperialism. The fact that he has let his war mania get the better of him, in his prognostications about Putin, and his defeat, should not detract us from the fact that his overall world view is that of US/NATO imperialism.

There are, of course, vying interests amongst the ruling class, and its permanent representatives within the state apparatus, in Britain, as in the US, and both Brexit and Trump, are minority positions, associated with the petty-bourgeoisie, rather than the ruling class, but which have been imposed upon it. With a Trump Presidency imminent, it was no surprise that Biden, speeded up the supply of weapons to Zelensky, as much to pressure the incoming Trump team as to have any reasonable chance of making any difference on the battlefield. Trump will not bring a ceasefire in 24 hours in Ukraine, but he will bring forward the inevitable, a ceasefire based upon a freezing of the front lines, probably with Russia taking the rest of Eastern Ukraine.

But, that means that US imperialism can focus on what it and Trump agree on, which is the need for the Zionist state to roll over the remaining territory of “Greater Israel”, meaning, in the first instance a war in Syria. The fact that the Syrian government, and its Russian backers have had to engage in renewed carpet bombing of Aleppo, itself attacked by Türkiye, which also, finances and arms the Islamists in Syria, whilst the US retains its own forces in Syria, and in Iraq, means that an easy pretext for an intensified campaign by the Zionist state, with NATO at its back, can be found, in the coming weeks and months, as its forces are freed from Gaza and Lebanon.

With Iran cowed as a result of the alacrity with which the Zionist state was able to bomb it, backed and actively shielded by NATO military resources in the region, which have been stepped up hugely over the last months, and with Hezbollah smashed, the Zionist state will feel free to work alongside its new found friends in ISIS, to run terrorist attacks against the Assad regime, and its Russian backers. Something like the campaign run by NATO, and its Islamist allies in Libya is likely, with the Zionist state taking on the role of providing the air campaign. It runs increasing risk of a direct confrontation with Russian military forces, so, as in Ukraine, the use of the Zionist state as a proxy comes in useful for NATO.

This probably means a drawing of new, harder front lines between US/NATO imperialism, and Russian~Chinese imperialism. Russia and China are likely to pump greater resources, both economic and military into Iran, and by extension Iraq. Russia, in particular, will continue to support Assad, but mainly via an air campaign against the Islamists. New air defence, and naval defence systems are likely to be provided to Iran, as the new redoubt. What so far cannot be determined is exactly what role the Arab Street will play in these developments over the next year, and the fact that Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf States, continue to try to keep a foot in both camps, and their application for membership of BRICS+, indicates they do not know the answer to that question either.

(Addenda – I wrote this towards the end of November, ready to be posted at the end of the year. Even before it was posted, therefore, its content has been confirmed, much sooner than I expected. The rotten Assad regime blew away, like a straw house, the Islamists have swarmed in, and much as happened with the Balkan Wars, or as happened in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, that has opened up, even greater conflict, chaos and reaction. Within 24 hours, the Zionist regime, annexed additional Syrian territory beyond the Golan Heights, and is likely to extend that further. It has also declared its intention to establish further settler communities on the Golan Heights.  Some Zionists, with their tanks just 20 miles outside Damascus, have talked in biblical term, about occupying everything up to and including Damascus itself.  Syria is likely to fall apart into warring regions, with the Zionist state already throwing its weight behind the Kurds, who are likely to be attacked by Türkiye and its proxies. The Zionist state has bombed chemical weapons storage facilities in Damascus, and is likely to use the same kind of air power to further devastate Syria that it has used in Gaza and Lebanon.  It has already bombed and destroyed the Syrian Navy).

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