Thursday 15 August 2024

Zionist State Rapes and Tortures Palestinians

When the vile, clerical-fascists of Hamas attacked mostly civilian, Israeli Jews on October 7th 2023, they carried out horrendous and brutal acts against those civilians, including sexual violence, not to mention murder, including the murder of women and children, including a baby. The Zionist regime, was, of course, entirely justified in describing those acts for the barbarity they represented, even if its own barbarity in the treatment of Palestinians, as a whole, for the last 75 years, has been a contributory factor, in producing a reflex response.

But, as Owen Jones and others have reported, in the period since that time, based on the actual facts, as detailed in, even, official Israeli documents, and reports from investigators in Israel, what the Zionist state did was not to simply report the truth about those barbarous attacks, but to grossly embellish them, and to entirely fabricate material, which they, then, used as incendiary propaganda to further inflame racist hatred of Palestinians in Israel, and amongst supporters of the Zionist state, across the world, in a way that is identical to the way fascist groups in Britain, used the murder of three young children in Southport, to fabricate stories designed to whip up racist, and Islamophobic anger in Britain, as a pretext for their, clearly pre-planned acts of violence and thuggery, across Britain.

The Zionists, and supporters of the Zionist state, in the West, from Starmer and Biden, to the AWL, were, of course, quick to accept as gospel the grotesque lies of the Zionist regime, about babies being beheaded, women being raped and so on, which turned out to have been fabricated, and simply embroidered what were, in themselves, barbaric acts. Joe Biden claimed to have seen with his own eyes, the pictures of the beheaded babies, which was a lie. He could not have seen any such pictures, because none existed. No babies were beheaded. Official Israel reports show only one baby killed on the day, and that was as a result of being shot, whilst being held by its mother, as they huddled in a panic room. The baby was shot, as a result of the attackers shooting through the door. That, in itself is an horrific act, so why the need to embellish it, with further grotesque distortions and lies?

The same was true of the report of a woman being raped, given in graphic detail by The New York Times. It was, also, proven to be a fiction, drawn up in the Zionist Ministry of Disinformation, and spread by its propagandists across social media, and eagerly swallowed by the racists and Islamophobes, including those in the high offices of state across America and Europe, again, much as the lies circulated by the fascists about the murders in Southport, and elsewhere, were swallowed and used as justification for their own subsequent thuggery and violence. The Zionist spokesman who was responsible has since been replaced, but his replacement is the fantasist and former President of Labour Friends of Israel, David Mencer, who claimed to need to take his family out of Britain, because of the danger posed to Jews by Jeremy Corbyn!! Well, Palestinians certainly face a real threat to their lives from the Zionist state that Mencer, now is part of, and for whose benefit he now acts as apologist.

So, why did the Zionist state need to grotesquely exaggerate the nature of the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th? As Owen Jones has noted, because, on October 7th, 1,300 Israeli Jews were killed, but, it was clear, from the start that the Zionist regime was going to kill far more Palestinians in response. The total Palestinian death toll, officially, now, is 40,000, but the real figure is way, way more than that, because it does not include all those bodies still lying beneath the rubble that have not been uncovered. Nor does it include all those that are dead and dying from the subsequent effects on their health from the Zionist genocide and destruction of Gaza. David Mercer, of course, claims that those figures can't be trusted, despite the fact that they are backed by the reports by various international medical and humanitarian organisations, and, in the past, the figures reported from Gaza, have proved to be under-estimate, not overestimates. In fact, given the WHO and other assessments of the fact that almost the entire population of Gaza is suffering from various forms of infectious diseases, not to mention malnutrition, and a devastated healthcare system, so that people are dying from lack of treatment of all conditions, the numbers are likely to run into the hundreds of thousands, when the final toll of the genocide is calculated.

So, to justify a genocide, and the slaughter of tens of thousands, let alone hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, the Zionist state and its supporters had to grotesquely embellish the original, and already horrific attacks by Hamas, to provide their justification that they were dealing with “human animals”, by which they meant, now, not just Hamas, but all Palestinians, because, just as Zionists believe that you cannot be a real Jew unless you are also a Zionist, so they have argued that all Palestinians in Gaza are supporters of Hamas, even babies, who they claim could become future terrorists.

Of course, the genocide taking place in Gaza, supported by western imperialism, armed by western imperialism, and justified on this basis of “the right to self-defence”, a right, also proclaimed by the Zionists and pro-imperialists of the AWL, is leading to Palestinian babies being beheaded by those bombs and shells rained down on them, as well as their tiny bodies being rent asunder by those munitions, and many more being cooked alive, as they are trapped in the rubble of buildings as they burn. Even for those that survive such butchery, they face the prospect of their injuries being treated without anaesthetic, or adequate sterile conditions. So, to justify all of this perversion and inhumanity, the Zionist state and its apologists in the West, needed to fabricate the various stories about beheaded babies, systematic rape and so on.

But, it has now been shown that, not only were most of the more grotesque claims fabricated, not only have thousands of Palestinian babies, actually been the ones beheaded and dismembered by Zionist/imperialist bombs, but also the systematic rape and torture has been carried out by the Zionist state, and it is openly admitted, discussed in parliament and on TV, where it is justified!

But, what has also transpired shows that the arguments being used in those discussions to justify the rape and torture of Palestinians bear a striking resemblance to the arguments used by the fascist thugs in justifying their attacks on migrants, and minorities in Britain. The fabrication in relation to the murder of the three girls in Southport was only one instance of that.


That the arguments and methodology of the Zionists should be comparable with that of the fascists in Britain is no surprise. Zionism itself is an ultra-nationalist, authoritarian ideology that based itself on the same ethno-nationalism that was used by the Nazis. As this Al Jazeera documentary about the Stern Gang illustrates, and as can be seen by a simple search of Wikipedia, they not only sought alliances with Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy, but based their ideas about the future Zionist state on the same ideology of racism and totalitarianism.

But, we don't have to look back in history for such connections. The supporters of Trump, amongst those that took part in his farcical coup attempt, included Zionists. Of course, in the US, the majority of Zionists are not American Jews, the majority of whom, now, oppose Zionism, but right-wing Christian Zionists. Trump's connections to Farage in Britain, are also well known, as are the latter's connections to the likes of Tommy Robinson, though in recent days, those relations seem to have soured. In turn, both Farage and Trump have links with Putin, and Putin, in turn has links with Netanyahu, as do Trump, and Farage. 

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