Tuesday 20 August 2024

More Red Faces For Social-Imperialists of The USC

The invasion of Russia by NATO/Ukraine removed one of the last legs from under the arguments of the social-imperialists such as those of the USC, as it destroyed their argument that what was taking place was a war of national liberation by Ukraine – itself both already independent and an imperialist state, tied to NATO! - rather than what it is, an inter-imperialist war between NATO and Russia. But, the social-imperialists have tied themselves in knots at each stage, as they performed logical acrobatics to justify continued support for NATO, as each of its red lines, were crossed, and this one is likely to be no different. But, its no surprise that, at the same time that NATO/Ukrainian imperialism invaded Russia, it also chose that moment to sneak out another source of embarrassment for the social-imperialists of the USC – the issuing of an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian for his part in blowing up the Nordstream pipelines.

For anyone capable of, independent critical thought, the idea that it was Russia that blew up its own gas pipelines to Germany that supplied lots of, relatively cheap gas to Western Europe, and was a source of significant revenues to Russia, was rather absurd. If it wanted to cut off the gas, it could just turn off the taps. Moreover, just as the Zionist state gave lots of warnings that it was going to be carrying out a genocide against Palestinians, after October 7th, and then proceeded to do so, so US imperialism made lots of statements about turning the Nordstream pipelines into a heap of metal at the bottom of the sea, and so was the most obvious culprit, when that happened, especially, as it was quick to proclaim its delight, when that task was accomplished.

So, when distinguished investigative journalist, Seymour Hersch, came out to state what was fairly obvious, not only did the propaganda arms of western imperialism, seek to point the finger at Russia, and to rubbish Hersch's claims, but so did the social-imperialists of the USC, who have fallen over themselves to believe every claim of NATO, and of the corrupt Zelensky regime. They provided, lengthy explanations of why it would be Russia that blew up its own pipeline, and source of revenue, such as that of Simon Pirani, that I took apart, at the time.

Of course, again as is the format with the lies of the Zionists, including those such as the AWL, who also support the USC, as part of their support for NATO imperialism, the first flush of denials and finger-pointing against the other side, is followed by a period of fudging and claims to be undertaking an investigation into what happened, and only when everyone has forgotten the original incident is some whitewashed acceptance of culpability forthcoming. So, it was with the blowing up of Nordstream by NATO.

The writing was on the wall when Sweden and Denmark announced some months ago that they were winding up their own investigations into what had happened. No one had ever really doubted that the pipelines had been blown up rather than suffering some accident, and when they announced that they were ending their investigation, it was obvious that what this really meant was that they could not provide any, even reasonably cooked up, evidence to blame it on Russia, and that the evidence against NATO culpability was going to be damning. In fact, NATO had already begun the process of fudge, diversion and scapegoating, by claiming that its own investigations were pointing to Ukraine being responsible, as though Ukraine would, or could, carry out such an act without NATO approval and assistance!

The position for Germany, is rather different to that of Sweden and Denmark. It's Germany that was a partner with Russia in Nordstream, and where the gas comes into Europe. It is Germany that was most dependent on Russian gas, and it is the German economy, and German households that have been most adversely affected by the huge rise in energy prices following the NATO-inspired, EU boycotts and sanctions against Russian oil and gas. The German government could hardly say it too was going to abandon investigation into such an event, especially as discontent has grown across the EU at the consequences of NATO's war against Russia, and support for the corrupt Zelensky regime, which has cost billions for the EU in military support, let alone the costs from higher energy prices. At one point, gas prices in the EU rose by 1,000%, and its only the fact that Russia has exported oil and gas to China, India, Turkey and elsewhere, which gets processed, and shipped back to the EU by circuitous routes that has not led to those prices remaining much higher.

But, of course, given the continued support for NATO's war, and Zelensky's corrupt, oligarchical regime, by Scholz's increasingly, and understandably unpopular government, it could hardly openly put the blame on the real culprit – NATO. So it too has fudged and put out an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diver, Volodymyr Z, who just so happens to have fled Poland, where he had been staying, and has gone back across the border to Ukraine. So, of course, given that Ukraine has been given all of this support, and wants to show that its not one of the most corrupt regimes in Europe, that wants to also join the EU, it will do the decent thing, and hand over Volodomyr, won't it? Of course not, or if it does, it will be only after everyone has again forgotten these current stories, and at which point, he might be the fall guy, whilst the real culprits get a pass.

No one seriously believes that Volodymyr Z, at least not this Volodymyr Z, was the real culprit who undertook this off his own bat, and capability, any more than that the car bombings, assassinations and other terrorist acts, undertaken in Russia, by Ukrainians, which were also, initially, denied, were carried out by individuals without state backing. Nor can any sensible person believe that Volodymyr Zelensky and his state would engage in such activity without both prior agreement from NATO, or at least the US, and physical support from it. As with the NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine, and now, in Russia itself, even if Ukrainian divers were involved in planting the explosive, it would have been NATO that provided the technical information, the location of the pipelines, probably the explosive charges and also the means of getting to the site, all of which would have been pretty impossible without it being identified by the NATO countries around it.

Either way, all of those social-imperialists that rushed to point the finger at Russia for blowing up its own pipelines, so as to continue their own support for the imperialist war being undertaken by NATO imperialism have now been exposed once again, and another leg of their argument has been kicked from under them.

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