Friday 26 July 2024

Stalin and The Chinese Revolution, 9. Against The Opposition - For The Guomindang - Part 2 of 2

Attacking this Marxist position, the Stalinists of the ECCI, said, in relation to China, at its Eighth Plenum,

“The ECCI rejects most determinedly the demand to leave the Guomindang ... The Guomindang in China is precisely that specific form of organization where the proletariat collaborates directly with the petty bourgeoisie and the peasantry.” (p 275)

In other words, rather than the KMT being the party of the bourgeoisie, it was the realisation of the Stalinist concept of the “two-class workers and peasants party”. Trotsky cites the words of Rafes in the theoretical journal of the CPSU, whose argument could come from the mouths of social-imperialists, today.

““Our Russian Opposition, as is known, also considers it necessary for the Communists to leave the Guomindang. A consistent defence of this viewpoint would lead the adherents of the policy to leave the Guomindang, to the famous formula proclaimed by comrade Trotsky in 1917: 'Without a tsar, but a labour government!’, which, for China, might have been changed in form: 'Without the militarists, but a labour government!’ We have no reason to listen to such consistent defenders of leaving the Guomindang.” [Proletarskaya Revolyutsiya, p.54.]” (p 276)

The social-imperialists, today, adopt the same stance, to support NATO/Zelensky, in the case of one camp, and Putin/China in the other camp. Token references to the Ukrainian and Russian workers are thrown in, in order to give left cover to the reactionary war being fought by both sides, shrouded also in the psychedelic fantasy of a “people's war”, as against the reality of the actual war being fought out by two not only heavily armed, but nuclear armed imperialist camps.

“The slogan of Stalin-Rafes was: “Without the workers, but with Chiang Kai-shek!” “Without the peasants, but with Wang Jingwei!” “Against the Opposition, but for the Guomindang!”” (p 276)

Today, the slogan of the social-imperialists is 'against the Marxists and International Socialism, but with NATO and Zelensky', in one camp, and 'with Putin/China' in its mirror image. And, illustrating the hypocrisy of the AWL, whilst they argue this position that not defending “Ukraine” is equal to supporting Russia, when it comes to the Zionists genocidal massacre of Palestinians in Gaza, not only are they silent in arguing that failure to defend Gaza is equal to supporting the Zionist state, but they vociferously proclaim the right of that Zionist state to “defend itself”!

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