Wednesday 1 May 2024

Zionist Fascists and Biden's Stormtroopers Attack Peaceful Student Protest

Zionist fascists have combined with Biden's stormtroopers to attack peaceful, pro-Palestine students at UCLA in California. Across The USA, where polls show a large majority of the population hostile to the genocide being undertaken by the Zionist regime, supported by western imperialism, the state has been mobilising its bodies of armed men to break up protests, and to deny the right to free speech. All of the facade of bourgeois-democracy is collapsing at an increasing pace as it tries to defend its genocide in Gaza, alongside its imperialist war in Ukraine, and its growing militarist stance in the South China Sea, in Africa and so on.

Fascism is a movement of the petty-bourgeoisie that draws behind it sections of the working-class, and lumpen proletariat. As a movement of the petty-bourgeoisie, it is, consequently, generally impotent. Only when the bourgeoisie itself faces a serious threat from a rising proletariat, does it resort to use of such fascist irregulars, to supplement the much more powerful forces of the state it controls. In the US, the ruling class is not facing a serious challenge from the proletariat. It does not need to resort to fascism or fascist irregulars. However, those forces can come in useful for it, as this recent episode illustrates.

The polls show that Biden's genocide in Gaza is hugely unpopular. The standard tactic of social-democracy, in the US and elsewhere, has been to utilise the vast power of the bourgeois media to simply libel its opponents, by smearing them with the label of “anti-Semitism”, the strategy used by the Right to undermine, and then remove Corbyn, but which has been used everywhere. The same strategy is used to smear opponents of NATO's war in Ukraine, by claiming that there are only two options, two camps, support for NATO and the corrupt anti-working-class regime of Zelensky, or else support for the corrupt, anti-working class regime of Putin. The fact that, in the US, in particular, the majority of Jews are hostile to Zionism, many of them taking part in the protests against the Zionist genocide, including taking part in the current student, anti-war encampments springing up on University campuses like mushrooms, poses a problem for imperialism, and for social-democracy.

Hence, use of these Zionist fascist irregulars to attack the peaceful student Peace Camps. The state didn't need them to do so, as it had more than enough force, turning up as it has in full riot gear, wearing gas masks, and carrying heavy weapons. It needed the assault by the Zionist fascists, in order to give it a cover for its own heavy handed intervention to break up the protests. Imperialism has used this tactic on many numerous occasions.

The Zionist fascists, many of whom have also been found, over the last few years, in the ranks of Trump's irregular forces, with other racists and white supremacists, have played a different role, here, than they did in his farcical coup attempt on January 6th. On that occasion, they were part of that reactionary, petty-bourgeois movement that was hostile to the interests of the US ruling-class, and found itself in confrontation with its state. But, here, they acted as auxiliaries of that state, which is the historic role of fascism, as seen in the 1920's and 30's. The majority of Zionists in the US, are not, themselves Jews, but are Christian Zionists, so called Endtimers, fundamentalist nutters, who believe that we are on the verge of Armageddon and the Second Coming, to be heralded by a war in Palestine.

It would be interesting to see, just who those involved in this violent Zionist attack on the peaceful student encampment were. It would not be surprising to find that a large part of them were made up of such elements, and the same forces that have been backing Trump. Certainly there has been plenty of encouragement for such action by Trump and Right-Wing Republicans with a supporting chorus from Biden and his regime, as he continues to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Zionists as they engage in genocide, and continues to provide them with the weapons to carry it out. It illustrates the extent to which Biden and the forces of conservative social-democracy are being pulled like moths to a flame, in the direction of Bonapartism and authoritarianism.

In the same way that the logic of Zionism in Israel itself has drawn all of the Zionist parties, from right to left, into a national government supporting Netanyahu and his genocide, so too across western imperialism. Not, of course, that this centripetal force is itself new. Biden continued the reactionary nationalist policies of Trump, and in relation to China has even intensified them; in Britain, Starmer has shot from being an ardent pro-Remainer to being an even more ardent jingoist, Brexiter, ultra-nationalist and Monarchist. The same course can be seen across Europe.

Confounding the arguments put forward by the likes of Paul Mason, over recent years, as described in his book on fascism, the real drive to Bonapartism and authoritarianism is coming not from the likes of Johnson or Trump, but from those that Mason looked to as saviours from it, i.e. Biden, Starmer, Macron, Scholtz etc., and anyone who had actually understood and properly analysed the nature of Bonapartism and fascism, could have told him that. Indeed, I did!

The image of a young student protester kneeling in prayer, in front of a line of Biden's stormtroopers, dressed in black like clones of Darth Vader, shown on Sky News, in the report from its reporter, is one that is reminiscent of those in Russia that were a foreshadowing of its revolution.

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