Sunday 26 May 2024

Hamas Give Zionists A Boost

Just as the Zionists were being knocked on to the ropes by the rulings of the ICJ and ICC, in relation to their genocide in Gaza, Hamas has come along to give them a propaganda gift, by launching another, insane, ineffective, terroristic rocket attack on Israeli civilians.  The media has, of course, been able to stop talking about the genocide and the court rulings, and instead give widespread coverage to the terrorist attacks, reinforcing the message of October 7th., which itself gave cover for the Zionist state to launch its genocide on Gaza, in the first place.

For months, now, the message has been put out of the Zionist genocide in Gaza, and the utter destruction wrought upon it.  But, now, the Zionists will undoubtedly use these terrorist attacks to throw doubt on that in the minds of millions of ordinary people across the globe, who will be told, "You see, we told you that the stories of destruction were false, how could Hamas launch such attacks, if they along with the rest of the Gazans are starving and destitute?"

All nonsense, of course, because Hamas is not the Gazan population, and the dire condition of that population does not prevent Hamas from having secreted away rocket in tunnels, or its ability to fire them at Israeli civilians, when the opportunity arises.  That does not matter, millions across the globe hat were turning against Zionism, will now have their minds clouded by this action.  And, what was the point of it?  The rockets are ineffective, fortunately, because the Iron Dome shoots them all down.  But, were they able to get through, they do not weaken the forces of the Zionist state, they only kill innocent Israeli civilians, including some Israeli Arab civilians.  As with any such indiscriminate attack, they act to rally the people around the flag, solidifying the reactionary ideas of nationalism and patriotism, and the concept of defence of the fatherland.  It has given Netanyahu and the Zionists a much needed boost, and will have the same effect in strengthening the Zionists in western imperialist states, and all those opposing the pro-Palestinian peace camps and so on.

This kind of terroristic tactic, often aimed, indiscriminately at civilian populations, itself flows from the reactionary, petty-bourgeois nationalist ideology of the groups that engage in it, such as Hamas.  Their petty-bourgeois nature means that they are divorced from the masses, and so not only engage in what amount to individualistic actions rather than mass actions, but that they have no concern about their actions consequences on the masses.  Their nationalist ideology means that they have no concern for the masses of other nations, let alone the concept of uniting the masses of different nations in a common goal.  Of course, why would they do that, because for the masses the basis of that goal is not simply the limited one offered by bourgeois and petty-bourgeois nationalism, but is the overthrow of that same bourgeoisie!

In the same way, in the last few months, the actions of Zionism in Gaza has been the biggest recruiting sergeant for Hamas there could have been, just as the actions of British troops, after they went into Northern Ireland in 1969, became the best recruiting sergeant for the Provisional IRA, which until then had been tiny in size, but became seen as a communal defence force for the catholic community.  Far from destroying Hamas, the Zionist onslaught in Gaza has recruited tens of thousands more fighters for it.  And, indeed, that fact will simply be used by the Zionists to reaffirm their initial message and goal, which is to bring about a final solution in relation to the Palestinians, starting in Gaza, by raising it to the ground, and wiping out, or other wise removing the Palestinian population, there, entirely, before moving on to complete the task in the West Bank.

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