Wednesday 22 November 2023

Zionists Drunken With Blood

"An individual, a group, a party, or a class that 'objectively' picks its nose while it watches men drunk with blood massacring defenceless people is condemned by history to rot and become worm-eaten while it is still alive".

(Trotsky - The Balkan Wars)

The western bourgeois media continually portray the genocide being committed by the Zionist state, as a war of "Israel v Hamas". They and the Zionist/imperialist apologists such as the AWL, Paul Mason et al, continue to frame this in the context of the right of the clerical-fascist, Zionist state to "self-defence"!!!

Yet, the genocidal nature of what is happening in Gaza - and developing in the occupied West Bank - is clearly not focused on Hamas - an organisation that Netanyahu previously fostered - but on all Palestinians, indeed, increasingly directed specifically to schools and hospitals. The scale of the genocide, already exceeds the number of civilian casualties in other recent conflicts.

And, we have become used to the exposition of the shockingly racist, and anti-Semitic nature of the views of many of those opposed to Israel being rightly exposed and condemned, but the Zionists and the apologists of Zionism/imperialism have been less forthcoming when it comes to the openly racist, genocidal blood lust being openly proclaimed by the Zionist regime and its media, as they continue to justify that genocide as being only a question of the right of the Zionist state to defend itself! But, that blood lust is, now, there for all to see.

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