Wednesday 18 October 2023

US Vetoes UN Humanitarian Ceasefire In Gaza

US imperialism, which finances and arms the Zionist regime in Israel, which acts as the main outpost of US imperialism in the region, has done what would be expected, and vetoed a resolution calling for a pause in the genocidal attacks being conducted by the Zionist state on Gaza.   Meanwhile the US promises even more weapons to the Zionist state, headed by the fascist government of Netanyahu, to be used to slaughter even more Palestinian children.

The US's disgraceful reason for vetoing the UN resolution, which would have been passed otherwise, as only the US voted against it, is that it did not mention the right of the Zionist state to defend itself, or condemn Hamas.  The US representative at the UN even ridiculously claimed that the thousands of deaths of Gazan civilians is the responsibility of Hamas, not of the Zionist war machine.  Socialists have no truck with the reactionary, petty-bourgeois nationalists of Hamas, but it is not they that have cut off water, energy and all other humanitarian supplies to Gaza; it is not they that are currently bombing with thousands of tons of explosives the schools and hospitals and homes of ordinary Palestinians living in Gaza.  It is the Zionist regime, supported by US imperialism.

To give as the reason for vetoing the resolution that it does not mention the right of the Zionist state to defend itself, is risible.  The issue is not about defending Israel, but of defending ordinary Palestinian citizens living in Gaza.  This kind of mentality could only belong to an imperialist power like the US that sees "defence of the fatherland" as equal to the right to bomb the hell out of every other country in the world.  It is as far away from real defence of a nation's citizens as you could get, and is simply about imperialist reach.

Where was this concern for the right of a nation to defend itself, when it came to the Zionists slaughtering thousands of Palestinians, and driving 750,000 of them from their homes, and into refugee camps, in 1948, in order to establish by force the Zionist state itself?  And, if a right to self defence includes the right to starve and blockade the ordinary citizens of some other nation, and to indiscriminately bomb and slaughter them, then the US has just given the very justification for the actions of Hamas that they seek to deny!!!!

For 75 years, the Zionists have continued to inflict oppression and violence on Palestinian civilians, and to systematically drive them from their homes.  In fact, in recent years, despite the UN declaring, again, it to be illegal, the Zionist regime of Netanyahu has stepped up the theft of Palestinian lands, backed up by the organised violence of fascist settlers, themselves given supported by the armed forces of the Zionist state.  In fact, one reason that Zionist troops were taken off guard when Hamas launched their attack ten days ago, is that a large number of them had been sent to back up violent settlers who were again attacking Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, attempting to drive them from their homes.

But, the US has remained quiet about all such daily violence by the Zionist state.  It talks about the right of the Zionist state to defend itself, and in the same breath denies the right to defend themselves of the Palestinians!  It does that, because as with its attitude to non-whites in the US, itself, the US remains a deeply racist state, for whom not only do Black Lives Not Matter, but Palestinian Lives Do Not Matter either.

Only hopeless liberals could have expected that the toothless, imperialist dominated UN could offer the Palestinians any solution to their problems.  The solution resides, as always, now, and tomorrow, with the global working-class.  Immediately, the Egyptian workers should break through the border at the Rafah Crossing, and ensure that the massive convoy of aid trucks pass into Gaza.  Egyptian workers, need to organise to finish the revolutionary work began in 2011, and prepare to overthrow the Bonapartist regime of El Sisi, and establish an Egyptian Workers State.  They should organise with rank and file Egyptian troops the military defence of Gaza, against the Holocaust being inflicted on it by the Zionist butchers.

A similar movement is required in Jordan, and in Syria, and in Lebanon.  Workers in the EU should also see the truly imperialist nature of the EU, as much as that of the UK.  They need to organise to throw out Sunak and Von der Leyen, not for the pathetic doppelgangers of Starmer and co., but for a Socialist United States of Europe.  Immediately, they need to organise to send vital aid to Gaza, across the Mediterranean, and dare the Zionists to try to prevent it.  In advance, they should organise within the rank and file of the military in the EU and UK, to demand that they take action should the Zionists attack European workers on a mission of mercy.

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