Wednesday 11 October 2023

The Disgrace That Is The AWL - Part 2 of 8

The AWL begin their narrative with a description of the attacks conducted by Hamas and its allies, just as does western imperialism and its media, avoiding, thereby, all discussion of the events in the preceding days and weeks of attacks on Palestinians by Zionist settlers, backed by the Zionist state, the incursions and desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque, the speech by Netanyahu at the UN, in which he presented the map of a Greater Israel, in which all reference to Palestine and Palestinians is expunged. 

And, his Zionist Ministers have been even more explicit in denying the existence of a Palestinian people.

Of course, the AWL cannot begin with that, or even mention the intentions of Netanyahu and the Zionist state, because it conflicts with the continued promotion of the lie of a Two-State Solution, contained in their above set of demands. Not only is there no intention of the Zionist state to allow a separate Palestinian state to be established alongside it, other than as some kind of vassal state, but every politician in Europe and North America, admits, in private, that no such state is possible given the colonisation of large parts of the occupied West Bank, and the blockade of Gaza, separated from the rest of Palestine. The Two State Solution is an obvious lie and deception, but even were it to be a possibility, then the AWL and imperialism would, to be consistent with their position on Ukraine, have to accept the right of Palestinians to fight for it by military means (indeed, in the same way they justify the Zionist terrorists that created the Zionist state in the first place), and to seek military support for such a struggle from wherever they could obtain it, for example from Iran, Turkey, Russia, China and so on!

Bourgeois nationalists might find such an approach acceptable, just as they find national wars between capitalist states acceptable, but Marxists, do not. Our politics is not based upon the legalities of bourgeois international law, or the moralising of petty-bourgeois nationalism, but on the interests of the global working-class, and of international socialism. Socialists should be no more in favour of a violent, military conflict in Israel-Palestine, for the sake of the limited bourgeois demands of national self-determination – either for Palestine or Israel – than we are for Ukraine, just as in World War I, we were not in favour of the bourgeois nationalist principle of defence of the fatherland, a principle that meant the division of workers, and lining them up with their own ruling-class, and a slaughter of those workers for the sake of the interests of their exploiters.

The actions of Hamas and its allies are those of petty-bourgeois nationalism, of the kind of Maoist/Guevarist guerilla warfare undertaken by such forces going back to the Narodniks in Russia, or the Left KMT, in China, in the late 1920's, and 1930's, and utilised by Stalinists and petty-bourgeois nationalists in Asia, Africa and Latin America, including by the Zionist terrorists of the Irgun, Stern Gang and so on, in seeking to establish the Zionist state in Palestine. They are not the actions of socialists, or the industrial working-class, engaged in a struggle for Socialism, or even a process of permanent revolution. Indeed, they preclude any such struggle.

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