Thursday 12 October 2023

Indict Biden and Netanyahu On War Crimes

Socialists should call for Biden and Netanyahu to be indicted on war crimes charges.  We should do so, not because we have any expectation they will be so indicted, or that if they were, they would ever be hauled before the International Criminal Court, but, precisely because we know they will not.  We know they will not, because the ICC, like the UN is a tool of imperialism not some neutral body.  Like bourgeois-democracy as a whole, it is a sham that simply provides a cover for the rule of the imperialist bourgeoisie.  We should call for it, because there are millions of workers who continue to have delusions in the impartiality of bourgeois-democracy, and these institutions, which we have to expose.

Of course, neither the US nor Israel recognise the ICC, showing the extent to which they demand the right to act illegally, even in respect of these toothless, bourgeois institutions.  But, that is no reason not toc all for their indictment either.  Putin has also been indicted, a move that was hypocritically supported by Biden.  There is no chance that Putin will be brought before the ICC, either, but the indictment was part of the imperialist propaganda war against Russia, and means that, any state that is a signatory to the ICC, is duty bound to arrest Putin, if he enters their territory.  We should do the same thing in relation to the war crimes committed by Netanyahu, and by Biden who has repeatedly asserted that he stands four-square with Netanyahu in the perpetration of those war crimes on Palestinians, and who has committed to providing Netanyahu with all of the military equipment required to continue those war crimes against Palestinians.

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