Tuesday 31 October 2023

Consequence of The Lies That Underpin Zionism Exposed

Yesterday, I noted that the contradictions inherent in Zionism, as with Fascism and Stalinism, and other forms of Bonapartism require systematic lying, on an increasing scale, and that those that attempt to defend Zionism inevitably are drawn into those lies, and systemic lying as well.  The use of the equation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is a most obvious example, and the way that, then, led to all the lies of the Zionists in the Labour Party, as they built their attack on the Left, on the basis of that lie, and the creation of a huge McCarthyite parallel universe of rampant jew haters in the the Labour Party, ready to bring back the gas chambers and so on.  Truly delusional, and undoubtedly some of those swept up in that nonsense, designed also to ensure that Labour lost the 2019 election, believed it, given the pervasive nature of the lie, wholesaled by the bourgeois media, and the Zionists inside the party.

But, the lie becomes exposed and ridiculous, when those propounding it have to go from one lie to the next bigger lie, to the next and the next, until the whole edifice eventually collapses under its own weight of contradiction and stupidity, as this recent video demonstrates.

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