Friday 13 October 2023

Blue Labour Now Stands Openly Guilty of Supporting War Crimes

The UN has stated clearly, that the Zionist state is guilty of war crimes in imposing collective punishment on Palestinians, in Gaza, and its charter describes the conditions that constitute such war crimes, of sealing Gaza's borders, and blocking off the supply of energy, fuel, water and food.  The electricity supply in Gaza has already failed, meaning that babies dependent on incubators, kidney patients dependent on dialysis, and so on will die in a matter of hours or days.  That is on top of the fact that the Zionists state, in one day has inflicted the equivalent of four 9/11's, on Gaza, with its targeted bombing and destruction of high-rise, residential building covering several square blocks. 

Half a million Palestinians, in Gaza, have been made homeless, according to the UN, and even UN buildings have been destroyed as well as more than a dozen UN workers in Gaza, being amongst those slaughtered by the Zionist attempts to ethnically cleanse the area.  Scottish First Minister, described the problems his in-laws had had trying to scape Gaza at the Rafah crossing, which itself was bombed, in yet another war crime committed by the Zionist war machine.  Yet, the Zionist state, backed by US, EU and British imperialism, is now demanding that civilians leave Gaza, as hey prepare for an even greater genocidal assault upon it.

Even the toothless, imperialist dominated UN has said that such a demand by the Zionist state is "impossible".  Meanwhile, in the West Bank, the Zionist state has stepped up its oppression of Palestinian civilians, and the fascist Defence Minister, Ben-Gvir, is leading half a million rabid, Zionist settlers in undertaking pogroms against any Palestinians they come across, backed, as usual, by the forces of the Zionist state, whose back is protected by US, EU and UK imperialism, with the full compliance of useless, right-wing social-democratic parties in those countries, like that of Starmer's own, ultra-jingoist, Blue Labour.

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