Tuesday 19 September 2023

Blue Labour Leadership Link To MI6 Now Made Open

According to Bloomberg, the Blue Labour leadership have enlisted the help of a firm linked to MI6, to help it gain the support of UK business. The firm Hakluyt & Company, was established 28 years ago, by former MI6 agents, and has, according to Wikipedia, “recruited several former spies and journalists from the FT”.

Infiltration of the labour movement by the state and police spies has always occurred, but never has it been made so blatant and apparent as it is now, under Starmer, and his Blue Labour leadership. Infiltration of the labour movement by police spies had to be dealt with by Marx and Engels, with the Anarchist groupings in the First International particularly prone to penetration. The petty-bourgeois elements of the labour movement, and particularly students that comprise nearly the entire membership of the various microsects, have always been a happy hunting ground for spies and agent provocateur.

But, at a top level, the state and its agents always ensured they had channels into the Labour Party and top tiers of the trades union movement. In Britain, which, after WWII, acted as the agent of US imperialism in Europe, it was not only the British state and its agents that engaged in such activity, but also the US state, via the CIA, which funded various front organisations, including some of those that were open in their intentions, such as the Atlantic Council. Senior Labour Party figures always had close links with such organisations.

In the 1960's, 70's and 80's, as the working-class strengthened its position, and rank and file organisation in the trades unions shifted it leftwards, the state took a more active role in infiltrating the labour movement, as seen with the numerous reports, during the 1984-5 Miners Strike, of the bugging of NUM offices, telephones and so on. But, as various TV documentaries also reported, the state's representatives themselves, years after the event admitted that the state, via Special Branch and the Secret Services had more than 200 labour movement officials on their payroll, spying on the movement, and pursuing the interests of the state within it.

At least Starmer's Blue Labour is being more open about its links to the secret state, though according to Bloomberg, at the time of writing, they have not confirmed or commented on the report. For those with any lingering doubts about the right-wing, pro-capitalist, pro-imperialist position of Starmer and Blue Labour, it is not only this open association with former British spies that should remove them, but the purpose of that relation, of ensuring better ties, not to British workers, who need, more than ever a political solution to their problems, but to the enemies of those workers, in the boardrooms of British capital!

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