Sunday 2 July 2023

Still Plenty of Soul Left In These Old Shoes

What a weekend!  Friday, was the usual Moorville, monthly event, and last night was an All-Nighter at Keele, where I spent many enjoyable nights in the 90's, at All-Nighters, when I could still do all of the flying back drops, front presses and so on that, today, I have to just watch nostalgically, though I can still do the splits, spins, and fast footwork of the youngsters, one of whom came up and gave me a hand-clench of respect, which was nice.  Fortunately, I must be getting back to dance fitness, because this morning, after just a few hours sleep, I don't even feel at all stiff or achy.

Its great to see so many young people in their teens, twenties and thirties still keeping the faith of Northern Soul alive, and so many of them, like a couple of the lads, and a young woman, last night, who are at least as good dancers, as many of those back in the 70's.

Now, I'm looking forward to the Stoke King's Hall Nighter on the 15th.  Just a couple of weeks to wait, and get in some more practice.

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