Saturday 27 May 2023

The Brexit Nightmare (8)

The following video summarises much of what has been said in the previous seven posts on The Brexit Nightmare.  It also rightly asks why Starmer continues to sell the lie that Brexit could somehow be made to work, and also why the Liberals are not pushing the issue.

I have answered both those questions.  With Starmer, its not just that he has responded opportunistically, in search of the votes of bigots and reactionaries.  He has gone much, much further than that, turning Labour into a reactionary, petty-bourgeois nationalist party, and the adoption of all of the ideology that goes with that.  Its become a UKIP Mark II, or a softer version of the BNP, complete with all of the internal lack of democracy.

For the Liberals, it appears to be a question of opportunism and tailism.  In future posts, I'll look at what might be done in response to that, including what might be organised in terms of a Socialist Campaign for Europe, alongside a Socialist Campaign For A Labour Victory in the upcoming elections, but the problems that faces given the authoritarian nature of Starmer's Blue Labour Party.  Even in this video the argument is based around the idea of a closer relation to the EU, leading to re-joining at the end of the decade.  But, a closer relation of any meaning - single market membership and so on - begs the question, if you are formally bound by those regulations, why would you not want also formal EU membership to vote on those regulations?  The idea of no taxation without representation applies here.

So, what is actually required is a campaign, now, for re-joining the EU, including electing MEP's at the next European Parliament elections.  To do that its necessary to campaign on the basis that the next government would simply legislate for such re-entry, immediately, and talks with the EU to that effect are needed now.

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