Saturday 20 May 2023

The Brexit Nightmare (3)

Nigel Farage has claimed that the Tories didn't get Brexit done, and in the video below, he is supported by Ann Widdecombe.  Of course, they are right.  Bojo clearly did not get Brexit done, as I pointed out at the time.  What is more, they could not have got Brexit done, and nor can Starmer.  At least not the Brexit they lied to everyone about, and that Starmer is continuing to lie to people about.

That Brexit, in which Britain was going to have all of the advantages of being in the EU, but none of the costs or responsibilities was and is always impossible to achieve.  When Starmer claims to be able to negotiate it today, he is lying as much as was Johnson and Farage and co to begin with.  No such Brexit is possible, because the EU like any other organisation is not going to give non-members the same rights and privileges, let alone greater rights and privileges than its own members!  The EU is much, much bigger and powerful than Britain, and now that Britain is outside it, it is necessarily - because its also in competition with it -  subordinated to it.  All the claims about instead doing deals with the US, or China and India and so on were boloney.

Britain is subordinated economically to the EU, with which it continues to do the vast majority of its trade, but is militarily and strategically subordinated to the US, which it depends upon for its nuclear shield, NATO and so on.  But, all the claims about orienting to the pacific, and the vast market of China and India has already hit the rocks.  Because of its subordinated to the strategic aims of US imperialism/NATO, its already forced to erect sanctions against China, and as the world divides into more openly warring camps, of which Ukraine and Taiwan are the opening gambits, India is also falling into the camp of Russia-China, along with South Africa and other BRIC countries.

The only way that the Brexit talked about of completely separating from the EU was possible, was if Britain's workers accepted a huge drop in living standards, as the economy tanked, and all restrictions were lifted on the actions of small capitals.  That would have provoked a huge backlash not only from workers, but also from the ruling class whose interests, as owners of shares and bonds in the huge multinational corporations would also have been seriously damaged by such a move.  Their state would not have allowed such a situation to occur, which is why it frustrated any such form of Brexit being possible.

The reality was it was a hard Brexit or no Brexit, and the hard Brexit was never going to be allowed.  So we have, no Brexit sold as Brexit.  Farage and co. as against Johnson, Sunak and Starmer, are right about that, but only because they also lied about what Brexit really meant, and about the possibility of achieving it, in the same way that Starmer, and those that call for renegotiation of it are doing now.

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