Friday 19 May 2023

The Brexit Nightmare (2)

Former Tory donor, Guy Hands, yesterday on Bloomberg set out why Brexit had already cost Britain billions in lost investment, and the premiere position of the City of London for global services.

The video of his Bloomberg interview is here.

Of course, Hands argues that to have obtained any benefits from Brexit, Britain would have to have scrapped all of its regulations, which is the same argument as put by Farage, Truss, Mogg and others.  That is not surprising because like Farage and Mogg, Hands is a trader, with the petty-bourgeois mindset of a trader, of making money out of volatility, and arbitrage.  Even the ruling class of speculators and coupon-clippers have the mindset of people who seek the conditions of rising profits of the socialised capitals they own shares in, so that the payment of interest and dividends can rise, and provide a basis for growing share prices.  The traders don't mind whether profits or share prices rise or fall, they make their profits from trading them not owning them.

It shows how crazy were those Lexiters who thought there was something in it for workers, and were those backward workers who were taken in by the lies of Farage, Johnson, Mogg and Co., and for whom, if Brexit were to have any chance of succeeding - which despite the fantasy of Starmer it doesn't - it would require a massive bonfire of workers', consumers', and environmental rights, and a massive reduction in workers' living standards.

Hands, objection to Brexit expressed several years ago, was that he knew that British politicians were never going to do that, because ultimately, the British state works in the interests of that big socialised capital, and more specifically of the ruling class of speculators that owns its wealth, nowadays, in the form of fictitious capital, and primarily the shares of those companies, and the bonds of companies and the British state, all of which are seriously damaged by Brexit.  Only now, as the Brexit nightmare unfolds, do the Farage's and Co., argue that Brexit has not been done, because of the failure of those Tory politicians, as they try to cover up the lies they told, and the disaster they have brought about.

The reality was that Brexit never could have been done, and, again, contrary to Starmer, and those that seek some kind of renegotiation, never can be done.  Hands was simply ahead of them three years ago, when he gave this previous interview.


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