Wednesday 13 August 2014

Boffy's Books Belatedly Blasts Off

Its been some months now since I gave notice that a series of books would be being published.  After a bit of a delay, I'm now under way.  As you can see from the top right corner, I now have links to "Boffy's Books".  The first available is a revised and re-edited version of my series of posts on "Marx and Engels' Theories of Crisis".  It contains new material compared to the original posts.

More books will be published in the near future, so keep a look out under Boffy's Books.


  1. Well done Arthur. What ever happened to the novel that you started to serialise on this blog some time ago? I was quite enjoying that.

  2. Sean,

    Thanks for that. The novel is in the process of being refurbished and re-edited as we speak.

    I have a number of pieces in various stages of being ready for publication, so I'm trying to get out the most ready first. The novel was first intended to be published more than ten years ago, and I now have to make some changes to it as a result of the passing of time, but I hope that will also make it better.

    I was hoping to have started publishing things about 6 months ago, but other commitments have intervened, and it always takes longer for these things than you think. I also have a couple of other novels in the making, and I'm hoping to be able to spend more time on that in the next year or so.

    My intention is to publish the larger stuff and then be able to keep the blog for short posts.
