Saturday 4 December 2010

Northern Soul Classics - Skiing In The Snow - The Invitations

Just seeming like only yesterday I was playing suitably Summerish tunes, this seems more than appropriate. Currently, living out in the sticks, temperatures have been down close to -20. Fortunately, we stocked up with food just before the snow started a week ago, because we haven't moved out of the house, other than briefly on foot, since then. I should have been going out to the anti-Cuts demo today, and we also needed food, but even if the path to the lane had been passable, the bloody car has been standing for so long that several charges of the battery, and sticking a hot hair blower on it, haven't succeeded in thawing it out. The best option probably would have been skiing in the snow.

Actually, check that, the car has just started, I only hope I can now find the demo!


  1. Arthur,

    I work for Think Africa Press, a new pan-African news, comment, and analysis site, launching January. I so admire your work and analysis on this site and would love for you to write for Think Africa Press in some capacity. If you are interested please email me:
    If not, let me take this opportunity to thank you for your writing, it has helped me see through a lot of bogus arguments and made many things (and more importantly how to approach them) clearer.

    In solidarity,

    James Schneider

  2. James,

    Thanks for your comments. I do not write professionally because suffering with severe Depression, and because of personal circumstances, I cannot guarantee to meet any deadlines. I write, because I enjoy writing, and as a means of keeping my brain functioning, and one means by which I can continue to be a part of a lifelong commitment.

    If I were to write for your site it would only be, therefore, on that kind of basis. In addition, as you will be aware the Internet is full of people who are not what they seem to be. Before I could put my name to anything, I would need to know something about the organisation, its principles, and the people associated with it. If you could provide some background information on that and some bona fides, I would be be grateful, as I note that the site does not yet have any actual content, as you are not intending to commence until January. In fact, I have a growing interest in Africa, because I think it is going to surprsie many people by the pace of its development over the next 50 years. One of my sons also has an interest in Africa, and just before seeing your comment, we had only just been discussing it, so he has offered to make some contributions too, provided I am satisfied with everything else set out above.


    Arthur Bough

  3. Do you have an email address/can you email me so that I can provide you with the information you've asked for?

  4. James,

    I'm afraid I cannot help at the moment. I will look forward to reading some of your material from January. I may be able to provide comments later next year.
