Saturday 13 November 2010

Northern Soul Classics - I Can't Get Away - Bob & Earl

Bob & Earl are best known for their 1960's Chart Hit, "Harlem Shuffle", which has also been sampled by some of today's computer operators. As the above link shows Bob Relf & Earl Nelson also went under a number of other pseudonyms. As Jackie Lee, Earl Nelson has a clutch of Northern classics to his name, and a lot of the stuff released as Bob & Earl is also released under the name of Bobby Garrett. Northern sould fans tend to be discerning. Its very unusual for any one artist to have much of their work accredited. On the contrary, most are one hit wonders who appeared out of the back streets of some black working-class conurbation, frequently in an industrial area of the US like detroit or Chicago, made a few records with some small record company, and who quickly ended up back at work at the local car plant, or whatever.

Bob & Earl are the exception. I can't think of many of their records made jointly or individually that are NOT Northern Classics.

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