Saturday 11 September 2010

Northern Soul Classics - The Parliaments - Don't Be Sore At Me

This was written by one George Clinton, who headed up The Parliaments, and under whom they were transmogrified into Parliament, P-Funk, and Funkadelic. They were renowned for their elaborate stage performances that centred around the Mothership Connection, home of the Extra-terrestrial Brotherhood, who brought to Earth uncut Funk.

This, however, goes back to the days when George still inhabited Planet Earth.


  1. Hiya Boffy,
    Was surfing and just found your blog, very good,
    My website address is
    or if you fancy a chat with any of us, we've got around 200 friends that like Northern Soul on the Facebook group called
    Swinton & Walkden Soul Club.
    You're very welcome to join us ?

  2. Mike,

    Thanks for your comment. I don't do Facebook, but I'll certainly check out your website.
