Friday 17 September 2010


As the TV and newspapers have been full of nothing but the Pope over the last few days, I was amazed to hear some religious spokesmen saying on the TV that religious beliefs are under-represented compared to science and secular programmes. Were that true, the question would be so what? Science is based on testable hypothesis, whereas religion is well, er not! Its like complaining that the NHS gets too much coverage compared to the potions of the local witch. But, of course its not true. Occasionally someone like richard Dawkins gets to produce a science based programme exposing the nonsense that it religion, but it is always "balanced" by some programme pointing out that science has not proved that God does not exist. But, compare that with the fact that even today religious programmes have a prime slot on a Sunday evening, and barely disguised religious programmes have a regular spot on Sunday mornings too.

Every school by law has to have a religious gathering ervyday, ensuring that kids are indoctrinated with religion from the first days of their mental development, not to mention that in almost every programme the Church is given a role in people's lives that in reality it no longer posesses.

And in an attempt to transfer its ridiculous attempts to blame their current policy of Cuts on Labour on to the question of religion, and its statement that it "does God", the Liberal-Tory Government's spokespeople are claiming that Labour was atheistic! Really? So Tony Blair who became a Catholic as soon as he could once out of office, and who made no secret of the extent to which his religion played a part in his politics, and how much that gave him in common with Bush, and Gordon Brown who was the son of a Minister were really atheist extremists were they???

Isn't one of those Commandments that these people claim to abide by something to do with not bearing false witness?

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