Saturday 17 July 2010

Northern Soul Classics - Sam & Dave - Soothe Me

It had to happen some time. I had to feature the dynamic duo at some point. Here they are Sam & Dave complete with all the moves, foot sliding, back-drops, spins. Again I've included two versions because, the first has video, and the second doesn't, but is a better recording. The first I think is from the 1967, Stax Tour, and in the background you can see in the band, a young Donald "Duck" Dunn, and Steve Cropper who you might recognise from "The Blues Brothers", somewhere there too is Booker T Jones.

For soem reason the main memory I have with this song is a packed weekday night at Kidsgrove Labour Club, when I was about 15 or 16. I must have been out playing football or something, because I remember we only got in their quite late, and it was already full. My old mate Keith Minshull was DJ'ing, and this was playing as we walked in. All of Sam & Dave's stuff is brilliant, but this probably got more play as a Northern sound than any other, a favourite also at the Torch in the early years. It was originally done by the legendary Sam Cooke. I liked it so much I've got two copies, one a live performance, and one the second version here.

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