Wednesday 30 June 2010

They Really Have No Shame

The AWL really do have no shame! I'd given up visiting their site a long time ago, because I'd decided they really were beyond all hope. But, as Leftists, curiosity is one of our central traits. Even though over recent months they have deleted various of my comments, criticising some of their wackier ideas, even though these comments met their stringent criteria exactly, I'd started to post the odd comment.

Such was the case, over the last couple of days, in this thread Bolsheviks Come To Power. One of the reasons for commenting was precisely in support of Jason, who had himself had some of his comments deleted for committing the heinous crime of including in his comment a hyperlink, that was deemed to be "advertising"!!!!

In a short comment, I pointed out that the AWL were setting up an obvious Catch 22 here. They had replied to one query, about whether all links to other Left sites, would be classed as "Advertising" with the perfunctory - "yes". I pointed out, therefore, that, if the ideas you wanted to cite, in support of your argument, were contained in such another site, then, not being able to link to them rather places a serious constraint on rational debate. If you avoided that by setting out those ideas, in detail, in your comment, then you would fall fould of the AWL's other restriction, which is that they will delete comments they deem to be too long!

Jason responded, to this comment, by thanking me for pointing that out, and went on to add that, of course, the AWL could delete your comments, if all else failed, with the "catch-all" - concept of them being "inappropriate". He added that, at least, the AWL do allow comments. I responded to that comment, in turn. Having just gone back, to see if there had been further comments, I found that not only had BOTH of my comments been deleted, but Jason's own comment had been edited so that his initial remarks, to me, were removed!!!!!

They clearly have no shame, as well as no credibility or support. As I pointed out, in my second comment, the fact that they are afraid of critical comments, on their site, that force them to defend their politics, the fact that they are even afraid of comments providing links, to other Left sites, where there young comrades might be exposed to alternative ideas to the brainwashing of the AWL, speaks volumes about how little confidence they have in their ability to defend their ideas. The way they delete comments to their site, edit comments such as Jason's, to cover up their bureaucratic, Stalinist methods is mirrored in the way they selectively quote from the works of Trotsky and others, deleting entire sentences and paragraphs so that the meaning of what was written is reversed, in order to comply with the current version of the truth as made up by Big Brother. But, again, as I pointed out in my comment, if I'd just stood in the General Election and only got 75 votes - last place and even less votes than the other cranks standing - then I'd doubt more than just my politics, because almost anyone, including the cranks, could get more votes than that just from their family and friends.

Clearly, the AWL not only have no political support, but they are a Johhny No Mates as well. Given their behaviour, its no wonder.

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